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Free Pic of the Day

~The mane~

Sunday, Oct. 15, 2006 - 10:46 PM

Okay, this is me keeping tabs on myself. I am posting pix here that were taken about an hour ago. Just after my hair dried from a shower.

Keep in mind that I do infact have an undercut, so my head is shaved underneath, and all you see here is basically the hair on the top of my head. hair IS that thick. Now you know why I have an undercut. lol

Here is me playing with my phone to take a pic of the front of me with my hair down. Enjoy!

There ya go.

And now a pic taken of me from behind. My hair is actually down to the middle of my back, but the bottom is a wee bit cut off.

This pic actually fucks with my head a bit. All it makes me think of is Samara from The Ring. lol

Kinda creepy!

Here ya go!

Yeah...kinda creepy if you think of the movie. I should have wet it a bit and put on a white shirt. That would complete the illusion. lol

Now then. I'm gonna flash the world. Why? Because I can dammit!

This is a pic of my left nipple. Back when I had a silver barbell in it. I have only ever shown this to one person online, and that was my ex's gf months ago. She is the only person other than those I fuck, that has seen my piercing...until now.

I no longer wear a silver barbell. It was changed to a Blackline one forever ago. I took a new pic of it tonight, but bell is being a cunt with emailing it from my phone to my email acct. I think the system ate it. Horny fuckers! lol

Well, I'll add a pic of the black jewellery when it eventually shows up. Until then, y'all are stuck with the silver (yuck!)

And is vertical. *grins*

Here ya go.

That of course is my left nipple. For those who are looking at my tat pix and's under the boar. lol


and (finally) here is the pic taken last night. With the black barbell in. I personally prefer the black. I don't know...perhaps it's because the jewellery makes it look more subtle?

Oh yeah, look at me...I have got to be the least subtle person around...but my piercings are. I pierce for me, not to shock or impress others.

Anyways...the pic with the black.

Now with that said...doesn't the black look better? I think so anyway. lol

The right one shall be pierced soon enough. I just have to order the jewellery. I'll get Johnny to do the other one too, but when that 2 month mark hits, I need to go black. Silver shit in me irritates me to no end.

So yeah. Yet another nipple piercing in winter. lol People think I'm nuts for doing it in the cold. They say it hurts like mad. I personally think they are on glue. Dress in layers and you have no problems. What the fuck were they wearing anyway???

There ya go.

Pix of me tonight, and my tit. A lil candid today aren't we? he he

It's all good, and at the end of the day, it's not like it's anything you haven't seen before. You can get worse pix than that online. lol

Okay, that's all for now.

I'm off!



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~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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