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~Fucked up~

Sunday, Oct. 15, 2006 - 1:58 PM

Is it fucked up, that after all this time and distance, I still feel the connection like it was just yesterday. I still hear the voice in my head calling my name when I am thought of, and still feel the energy in the distance? It's an unbreakable bond that tears me apart. I hate it.

And he's gone again. Geoff was here with a vengance, and gone like the wind. He came in Friday night, we harassed Kris at work, then drove her home. In the morning he dropped her off at work, then went to see his boys. He came back at 6pm, and thus began our adventures.
It started with us looking for a place to eat. Never happened. Everything was packed because of the hockey game last night. So, we hit Save On, and bought food, then went to my moms place. Geoff wanted her coffee, and we needed to eat. So I made our food, and everyone ate...except for my mom who was full. Kris was so exhausted that she just passed out on the couch. We left her to it.
We left at about 10 to bring Kris home. Got here, he spoke to his woman, put Kris to bed, then we were out the door again.

Geoff looked at me and said "I want an iced cap"...and off we went to Timmies. Got Iced Caps, and went driving. I had bought 3 cds earlier before going to my moms place, so we were listening to them and thumping like all fuck. I love his car! lol

Well, we were driving for about 3 hours. Just going everywhere, and nowhere. Of course when our iced caps were done Geoff decided that we needed more, and bought us each another iced cap. lol
For the hell of it I followed a memory that was 8 years old, and took G to the front of Russ' parents place. That was a trip. I was impressed that I remembered the way through St.Albert like that. Geoff even tried to find his number. lol He wanted to call up and say hi. lol The 2 iced caps had us both wired to fuck, and zooming. It was fucking crazy shit man.
Then Geoff decides we need energy drinks. Of course I had to point out one of Friday night, and that's what he bought. I just pointd to it and said "Hey look! It's the lesbian drink of champions!!!". This energy drink is apparently purely canadian, and is called "Beaver Buzz". lol It's a red can with a fucking beaver on it. Of course from that point on I have decided to call it "Beaver Juice". lol I never did get to it, it's in my fridge still. I'll drink it later.

After that we went flying everywhere. Just driving and grooving to bass. We finally got back to my place at about 2:30am. He burned out and passed out on the couch, and I sat online for a while before crashing. I swear I'm still feeling the caffiene. lol

Well, I need to hop a bus soon. I need to hit the shop. I finally decided what I want on my right upper arm, and Kris is working her ass off right now. She's supposed to have like a $900 cheque next pay period, and she's told me that it's ink time for me again. So, I need to go see Conrad, and make the appointment, and get it started. It's funny how ink gives you a certain amount of confidence. I'm starting to dress different now. Wearing girly shirts now. Actually exposing my shoulders for a change. I get alot of ppl staring at me now. I was having fun in Save On last night. My shirt shows my cleavage off, and of course that means my tats are showing too. Well, I was walking past ppl, watching them look at my tits, and yelling "he/she just looked at my tits!". lol

I'm gonna take a shower soon, and after I do I'm gonna take pix of my hair. I wasn't aware that it is halfway down my back now, and well, I wanna have pix of it. I keep threatening to shave my head, and Kris gets all pissed at me. lol Who knows...maybe I will, and maybe I'll never do it again? I dunno. I'm rather enjoying my mane right now.


Trapped in my head again, and looking backwards again. I felt 17 again last night. Of course when I get that mindset I get so fucking happy....then I start to remeber all the good times I've had, and inevitably I crash mentally. My life is good right now, but back then I had freedom. Pure and simple. If anything just the freedom to walk for hours would make me happy. I miss running for fucking buses, and not struggling to get in and out of cars. Fucking legs! That's the only thing I really hate about MS. But, I live with it, and do what I can with what I have.

Fuck I hate good memories of people!!!

Kris knows all the stories of old friends and ex's, and she knows the past stupidity with them all too. She's a good listener. Even when I'm going mental (as usual) she is right there listening and supporting me. She spoils me in more ways than just material.

Speaking of mental....

We are walking in Save On last night when I hear "OH MY GOD AMBER!!!!! I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT YOU LAST NIGHT!". I glanced back, saw who it was, said "Yeah hi", then walked away without missing a step. Kris looked all confused by it. I said to her "Did that just look like I blew that bitch off? Was I harsh?" She said "Yeah, what the fuck? Who was that?" I said...get this...."Do you remember that Ronda bitch I was telling you about?" "Yeah" "That was her darlin'" "Oh!" And she laughed.

Yes, it was fucking Ronda. She looks like she weighs about 180, and has her hair dyed black.....dye that appears to be a shitty job, or it's washing out. She looked like total shit. I told the bitch off online a lil over a year ago. Now maybe she'll take a hint. She is beneath me, and I want nowt to do with her. Stupid selfish bitch can rot as far as I'm concerned. Fuck her and her nasty ass. I don't need that shit in my life.

Well, that's about all I have to say for now. I'm bored with this, and am gonna go piss someone off for fun.

I'm out!



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