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Tuesday, Oct. 03, 2006 - 11:10 AM

I'm sitting here so bored right now. I napped for a few hours, and now I'm just puttering around my apartment. I'm bored because Satan is at an all day field trip today, and Kris is at work....

I'll just post an update I did somewhere else on here to explain a few things.......

Here we go:

"[29 Sep 2006 | Friday]

08:35 - I'm a boob!
Current mood: cynical

It's straight up stupid how happy and excited I get for my girl.

In an hour and a bit she starts a new job, and starts her training. My girl has been hired as the Assistant Manager of a 7-11. lol

Yeah yeah.....fucking sev.......but she loved working there before, and is all excited about this position. It's a new store opening on Oct.5th, and she will be 2nd in command there. Kickass! I just told her that if the power starts to go to her head, I'll have to knock her down a peg or two. lol

"That's right bitches! I'm 2nd in command"
"That's nice dear....I own a whip"


She was all "Yeah, I know. I'm second in command everywhere in life."

She's so cute when she wants to be. I just tickle her and push her over alot. lol

I've been quiet in here for quite some time I know. But I have been dealing with alot of shit. Everything from my girl being sexually harassed at work, to her being burned bad, to WW3 erupting again with the ex's gf, and so on.

I swear you know, I hide in my cave, and ignore the world....but drama still seeks me out. I can't complain too much though. My girl and I are tighter than we have ever been, and damn does it feel good.

There has been issues with my son though......

Some serious bullshit has been going on, and imagine how happy I was to get a call from him telling me that a kid fro Jr. High showed up at his school and hit him because of lies 2 boys in his class were telling this guys younger brother. Long story short...My pierced, tattooed, freakiness was in his school at 8am yesterday morning....before school even started, and I had the teacher, principal, and vice principal talking to me. By the end of yesterday the 2 kids in Satan's class were both suspended for 2 days. I'm sure their parents are very pleased with that. I was a shit in school, and the first time I was suspended was in highschool. I honestly never knew anyone to be suspended in grade 6. Do we see a pattern forming?
All of this shit because this one kid in Satan's class has been bullying him for like 4 years, and Satan started to actually stand up to him, and threaten him back this year. Well, he was losing his power, so he started this shit to get my son hurt. I'm not impressed, and neither is the faculty at his school. Thankfully it all seems to be good right now, and Satan has been told to rush this guy if he shows up again. I told him not to fear taking a few shots, and to fight dirty. lol

Yeah, I'm a politically correct mother aren't I. lol

So that is pretty much where I am at right now. Looking all evil and stirring up shit. I did make a point of meeting my sons new teacher earlier this week. I heard nothing but good shit about him from my boy, and had to check this guy out. I met him, and 20 min later he finally stopped talking long enough for me to say I had to go. lol I really fucking like the guy, and Satan does too. His teacher told me he is well on his way to getting his first A this year.That made me so fucking happy. Last year was the first time he didn't get even one A. Every year he has quite a few on every report card, but last year his anally retentive asshole teacher was a cunt to the class, and gave my son all B's and C's. That kid cried with every report card. Not this year though. I told him what his teacher said, and it has lit a fire under his ass. He's working even harder now. I'm proud of him. He takes pride in his marks. I never gave a shit, and had a solid C average. lol

I think that's about it.

Oh! Kris bumped into a girl who used to be her best friend. Had this chick over yesterday for hours. I kinda like her, she's a laugh. I was laughing at Kris more though...she was all over me. Showing off with a "look how happy I am" type thingy. She kept crawling in my lap, laying across me, and being all sappy. I called her on it later, and she went beet red. lol Bloody woman.

Kris got a call from another person last night too. A guy that used to be in the group with this chick and her. I have my knickers in a twist about him though. He made a comment or 5 to her about how much he had wanted to date her. She was all "Yeah well, I've been Gay forever man". That got under my skin really quick. I am very terretorial with her, and if I meet this guy, and see him looking at her like she's meat, I'll pull a knife on him and ask him how much he likes his eyes. I told her that too. She just grinned, sighed, and cuddled upto me. lol

Why are people always attracted to us assholes?

Anyway, I best be off to get ready. I have to take my boo to where she is getting trained at. She's lost, so I'm gonna take her then come back home.

I'm off!

There ya go. Done that and am still bored. Just finished having a dream about my ex. We were hanging out at the Hub mall here on the University campus. WTF was that all about? lol

I wish my dreams were fucked up rather than like daily life. Atleast then they'd be something to talk about.
Thank fuck I get cash on Thursday. My Tic Crack supply is getting to a very uncomfortable low. I need more dammit! lol

So yeah, Kris is literally stocking and pricing a new 7-11 as I type this. She was infact hired as an assistant manager, the store opens Thursday, and they are just finishing setting up and stocking today. Tomorrow all the signs get put up, and then they finally open on Thurs. She's excited, and so am I. I love seeing her this happy about life. She has to get up at like 5:30am, but literally bounces out of bed, and runs out the door. lol

Oh! I attacked her head with scissors and clippers yesterday. Completely changed her look. Gave her a bit of an edge. She went from looking like she is 12, to looking her age if not older. The hairstyle got rid of her chipmunk cheeks too. It looks fucking awesome! She was absolutely shitting herself when a big chunk of hair landed in her lap. lol
You see, Kris has only ever had one hairstyle for like years. She has never experimented at all. Those who know me know that I get inspired and attack peoples heads. She asked me to do something with it like 2 weeks ago. But, I didn't know what to do. But she was playing with her hair yesterday, and well.....I saw it for a split second, and did it before I lost it. She still has some bangs framing her face, but the rest is really short. It can lay flat, or be spiked. She has versatility, but speed in the morning now. She's happy with it. That's all that matters.

Okay, I'm babbling on about nothing here. I'm gonna go play games on pogo now. My incessant need to click buttons bought me a membership to the site....for a year, I better use it. lol

One day I'll learn to not go "oooh a pretty button, I WANNA CLICK IT!!!". One day I'll leave well enough alone....I hope.

I'm out!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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