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Monday, Sept. 25, 2006 - 12:14 AM

There is massive confusion pertaining to Kris right now. You see.....she has all the symptoms of having Type 2 Diabetes.... but from the looks of it her blood tests came back as being normal??????????????

She has an appointment scheduled for weds to go see the dr to say WHAT THE FUCK????

So yeah...lots of fun there.

On the happy front, Kris is officially unemployed again. She made the mistake of trying to get a job at a diff Tim's, they called her boss, and he called to say he wants his uniform back when she picks her cheque up on weds. Lovely. And yet again....she already has a lead on another job. lol

It never takes her long. She hates being unemployed. She's good that way.

I completely tore my living room apart tonight. It took me 3 hours, but I cleaned and rearranged the entire place. I'm happy with how it looks. I still need to put some shit away, and sort some shit out, but for the most part it's done. I just have way too much shit in this place now. There is no room for it all, and yet there is room for more at the same time. lol

So shit on this end is good. I know I'm not showing it nearly enough, but I'm feeling so close to Kris, and so damn clingy right now. It's sad dammit! lol

I'm just happy I guess.

So...the 6th is creeping up on us pretty quick. I can't wait to go to The Who with my dad, and Kris has a back specialist appointment that afternoon, so my dad is going to pick us up after it.
He's still all giddy like a little kid, and wanting to surprise Kris with the concert. He's so bloody excited. It rocks!

Speaking of concerts..... I am yet again spolied, and yet again owe my dad $90. He bought Kris and I 2 tix to see Theory of a Deadman, and Three Days Grace on Nov.20. RAWR!

We are so fucking excited about that one too!

We started the Year going to Nickelback together, and it seems we might be ending the year with this one. It's all good to me. We had tix to see Godsmack a couple of months ago, but we couldn't find anywhere for Satan to go, or anyone to watch him. It sucked ass watching the tix get wasted. But, atleast we didn't pay for them, Kris's mom did.

We'll pay my dad back this week. Then we'll be off to see a kickass show. 2 opening bands, then 2 awesome headliners. I'm fucking stoked mate!

That's a quick sum up of what's going on right now. I'm basically just busy, and on the go. Not on the comp much lately. Can't be bothered.

Well, I'm tired, and off to cuddle with my boo.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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