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Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2005 - 12:23 AM

Memories are like daggers to the mind.

Always sneaking up, and stabbing me when I am off guard.

How to to let to hold on.


Yeah, a nice fuck. That's what I need. A pussy to get lost in. But, finding one is too much like work. So, here I shall sit. Lost in memories, and pain.

The main joy in my life is the upcoming release of Our Lady Peace's new album. Crazy how they always do songs that remind me of my feelings, that are me in a song. "Where are you" is exactly that. Yet another awesome album to come.

One day it will be added to the mix of songs on my diary, but for now....Ride On fits.

It's hard to fathom that in a world filled with billions of ppl, there are about a billion ppl who are alone, and feeling lonely. Just make me a statistic.

I basically am one anyway.

But, the memories. They came from nowhere. Took me off guard. Almost as if the are being triggered by those involved wondering about me. It is as if I have no escape from my past, when all I want is to create a future. Hell, I have started dreaming again. It's like my blocks are weakening and crumbling. I hate it, I really do. Just one night, one day, one either go back to that time, and die there, or to have all of it ripped from my mind, body and soul for good.

My reality is a hard pill to swallow. The rug was pulled out from under me, and I am having problems getting back up again.

I think it is about time I went to the bar. I'm past due. I need to get out again, and join back into the society thing here. The old memories are tearing me to's time to make some new ones.

We shall see what happens.

Oh ya.....

Fuck you too bitch!

I'm out!



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