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Friday, Jun. 24, 2005 - 10:14 AM

So, I have come to the conclusion yet again, that all people are complete fucking asshole.

And then there is me....

I am the biggest cunt out of the whole lot. I chase people off by being a prick to them. Insult them to their face, and dare anyone to confront me. I am so fucking standoffish, that I doubt I will ever let anyone near me again. It seems that the only person I am not a cunt to is my son. Rightfully so of course. But to the rest of the world.....well....I would rather be left completely alone, then have to deal with the bullshit. I just hate people. I especially have no urge to be tricked into giving a shit just so I can be crushed again. They can all fuck off with that one.

So, upon sitting here and pondering this, I have been noticing that I have been avoiding talking to ppl, and brushing off my friends. I'm spiralling again. Oh well.

And you know what pisses me off most right now?

I can't fucking walk. I am alone. I am unable to let anyone near me because of being hurt. And to top the whole thing off, I am supposed to be all happy and active to play with my son.

Now with that said.......

I have to listen to these useless cunts go on about how they hate their fucking job, their significant other is busy all the time....waa waa fucking WAAAA!

Atleast you have the fucking health to be able to work! Atleast you have someone to be with who hasn't up and decided that drugs are more important than you, and for crying out fucking loud....IF YOU DON'T FUCKING LIKE IT, THEN FUCKING CHANGE IT, OR SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT AND KILL YOURSELF!!!!!

Ya, I have sympathy for the whiny fucking assholes in this world. about not.

I would give anything for a week back in early 2000. I want to be able to run and chase my son. I want to know what living without pain is. I want to remember what it was like to feel healthy. I want the bitterness, and anger gone. I want to be able to trust again, even if it was a minute amount to begin with.....atleast I could. Right now everyone is a threat. Fucking multiples trust more than I can. That's fucking sick man. But, it's all about survival in the end.

I ask why alot. No, not why me.....why did it happen. Why after I trusted? Why? Just why.

I'll never have an answer, although I know several theories, several of which are common sense.

Alot of shit is changing. I'm getting rid of 3 rabbits. I am selling off the bmx to try to get some of my money back from it, and I am going to finally toss the last of her shit out. It's been abandoned here for almost a year, fuck it. It's garbage now.

But, on a happy note. I have been offered free passes to War of the Worlds for next monday. It's in the imax theatre in west ed. Might be a trip to see it in imax.I haven't quite decided if I am gonna take them or not. But, the offer is there, so we shall see.

So ya, Agry, bitter, and mean.....but loving it.

I don't give a fuck anymore. I don't want any cunts near me, so why be nice? Nice is fucking boring anyway. I'd rather piss myself laughing when someone trips and hurts themselves. Hell, I laugh at me, why not laugh at them.

Oh, and yet again was called fat yesterday.

Big shocker! No shit!

Fuck you all!

I wonder what Nikki is doing? hmmmmmm.....



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