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~Yipeeeeeeeee *cough cough*~

Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005 - 2:49 PM

So yeah,

$100,000 reward offered for info leading to the arrest of this serial killer. Such fun! I'm just curious as to if I know the guy. That possibility has me all giddy!

Well, Alberta is flooding. We had our river swell to a point where 3 communities here were threatened, and tripping, then she backed off. There just ain't nothing like watching the river rise an extra 8 meters. For those cunts out there that don't know metric, thats atleast 27 feet. She done got big! Now sask has to deal with it. Although, Calgary is still pretty fucked with wicked flooding. Awwwwww...the poor great parking lot to the south. Hopefully my aunt was drowned in it. *sigh*

So, I thought I was safe but apparently I'm not. yay me.

I met this chick Nikki online like a month ago or so? Anyway, she was always calling, then pissed me off by calling me up drunk one night during the week, trying to convince me that I wanted to let her coe over here at like 4am so she could fuck me.

1) My son was home in bed sleeping.

2) I don't do drunk ass motherfuckers.

3) 4am?????? FUCK THAT!

So yeah, I figured after the last time she called up and tried to convince me to go to the bar, and failed to get me out, that she had given up. As I hadn't heard from her in like a week. I seemed to have jumped the gun with that one. She just called me to find out how to walk to the mall that is like 5 min from my place, from where she is staying. So, I told her, and it's only a matter of time before she wants to meet up with me.

Now, this woman is a prick, an outright asshole....just how I like 'em. But! and that is a big but.....she has only been in deadmonton for like 4 months or so, and she left medicine hat because she was a crackhead there, and needed to get away from the drugs.


I can't seem to get away from them. I really can't. Must be the mom in me that attracts these cunts to me.

Meh....I don't want to be with anyone anyway. I've had enough bullshit. I'm finally living pain and bullshit free. I'd kinda like to stay like this. I didn't want anyone when I met that whore in 2000. I should have just stayed where I was at. I was happy there. But, you live, you learn. I'm stronger for it all. I made alot of mistakes in trusting, and putting everything into another person. I just won't do it again. I am slightly interested in meeting Nikki though, have been for a while, just haven't been able to get out anywhere to meet her, and don't really want a stranger to know where I live. So, fuck it! I just can't be bothered with it right now.

So ya, I've been addicted to Seether's new album for like a week now. It fucking rocks! I'm fucking glad I got it. It's happy disgruntled music. lol

Well, better get me arse downstairs....Satan will be here asap.

And to you fucks coming here for porn? Fuck it, I can't be bothered. I'm sick of looking at the whore, and I would rather not. So, run along.

Life here got better the moment she left. Let's leave it that way.

I'm off!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

Push play to listen to "Would you like to swing on a star" by Frank Sinatra!!!