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Free Pic of the Day

~Bad Amber!!!~

Monday, Jun. 06, 2005 - 9:14 AM

Well, I've spent the last few months being a good girl.

That's about to change.

You see, over the years Jay took many naked pix of herself, and sent the to me. All in all there were around 100 of them. I had them on 6 floppys. Well, my iMac doesn't have a floppy drive, so I couldn't do anything with them. Heh!

Last night I sat at my moms and emailed all of them to myself. I have every pic on this computer now. Play? Me? You fucking know it!

I can still hear her laughing at me over the phone. I can still remember every detail of the phonecalls. In my family we don't get mad, we get even.....and we have the patience to do it right. So, now that I have them, I do believe I shall start with a picturetrail gallery, then possibly a pix page here in my diary, and then there is all the ppl I know online that would happily jerk off to free pix. The double penetration ones will get them going good. *wink*

Yep, went through some of them yesterday with April. She told me that she thought they were pretty boring, and they did nothing for her. I had to admit that they are boring, and it was the emotion involved that made me enjoy them. Now that the emotion is dead...well....I might as well be looking at pix of dog shit.

About a month ago I had a dream that those 2 scrunts showed up here, and I woke to them crashed on the floor of Satan's room. When I saw them I grabbed Char by her throat and threw her down my stairs. Claire (aka. Jay) said nothing to me. She just stood and watched as I proceeded to beat the fuck out of the kid, and toss her out of my place. That was a fucked dream. But it has kept me on edge for quite some time. So, next week my locks are getting changed, as she still has a set of my keys, and personally my place will never welcome her again.

But on a happy note....I got laid last night. Came so hard I couldn't push April off of me, and she wouldn't stop eating me out, the dirty bitch. She seems to get off on me being a prick. lol

Oh I know....why cause shit now with the brit bitch? Easy, she won't leave me the fuck alone. She's been fabricating emails from me to her mom....according to the kid. Not to mention making me look like the antichrist out there, and there there are the phone calls from her children friends just to harrass me. If she wanted to stay in touch all she had t do was NOT END THINGS WITH LIES! But, she made her bed, and now it's my turn to humiliate her in it.

I did nothing to her but love her. The fighting ended in the end of 2002. I cried on new years of 2003 because the year was finally over. I left the shit in 2002. She waited until I let myself fall in love with her before she struck a falal blow to me. Now it's my turn.

I have not once broken her trust. I did nothing to her. I just loved her. Vengance will be mine. Once I do to her what she did to me.......then I will see us as being square with the house, and will let it go. Unfortunately the ukrainian in me holds a, I'm pretty much fucked until I fuck her over.

Once I do the picturetrail gallery, I will put the link in my links section here.

Enjoy it bitch!

I'm off!!!!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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