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~Dumbass newfie~

Wednesday, May. 11, 2005 - 12:59 PM

Okay, Sunday night at 8:45pm April decides she wants to meet some chick. So she jumps on a but and goes to the southside. Brilliant.

Come 10:30pm, I get a call. "I'm all the way down here, and she didn't show. I don't know how to get back, and I'm scared".

Okay......I was pissed off that she was off to meet a chick. I was pissed that she was running off late at night. I was pissed off enough to have decided that when she got back, she would be locked out. Then this call comes, and fuck me did I laugh.

Long story short....I had t drag my dad out of bed at 11:30pm, in which he screamed at me, then my stepmother calls me, tells me off and hangs up on lovely. And why? Because that stupid bitch ran out to the other end of the city, in the middle of the night, to meet some skank she met on gaycanada. Oh yay. Then she decides she doesn't know how to fucking get back. So, I had to get my dad to save her. Might I mention my dad had to be up at 5am. I was pissed....still am.

A little common sense would be a nice thing. I have laced into her several times for that stupidity. I am anything but fucking happy with her right now.

So yeah.....the documentation of newfie stupidity.

"Telling a newfie directions is like talking to a brick wall"

"Then don't fucking leave the fucking house! This is Edmonton! A big city! We have a fucking serial killer here right now!"

"He's only killing prostitutes"

"Only because they are easy targets. Say you are stuck somewhere, and a guy pulled up saying 'you look lost, need a ride?' You would get in the car without thinking wouldn't you?"

*she kinda shrugs and nods*

"Well, what if that guy was the serial killer? They'd find your fucking body 2 weeks later. USE YOUR FUCKING HEAD!!!"

Need I truly say any more?

Because this shit is driving me nuts.

There is no room in life for a lack of common sense.


And my fucking father emailed me telling me not to be mad at her, to just let it go.

No thanks dad. I'm gonna be mad for a while.

I just don't believe this shit.



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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