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Sunday, May. 08, 2005 - 2:50 PM

You know.....every day that goes by just pisses me off more.

My latest piss off?

I now need to find a brit who I can trust enough to send cash to so they can buy me a couple of books that will be hidden in used bookshops out there. *sigh*

After 5 years of being with a brit......not I actually need one. I swear the gods are laughing at me.

So, yeah.

Nothing to amazing to talk about on this end. My health sucks, my sanity sucks, and my emotional stability sucks. Like that's anything new.

Nope, I'm officially in the mourning phase of life. Maybe in a few years I'll be ok? Not anytime soon though.

I've been pondering emailing her alot lately. But, I don't want lies, bullshit, and I won't, and don't. I'm just trying to force myself to let go now. It's fucking hard.

I didn't want to get out of bed this morning, but I also didn't want to be laying next to April, so I had to get up. I don't want to be hugged. I don't want to be kissed. I don't want to hear how beautiful I am, how good I smell, or any number of the rude comments that spill out of her. I am not interested anymore. She's just there, and I am waiting for her to leave. Not soon enough though.

Well, my email, and ph# look like they are gonna be changed in the next little while here.

The cable company here is offering digital phone lines for $55 a month....all long distance calls withing canada and the states are considered local calls, and have no charge. Add 6 phone options, and yadda yadda. If I move my phone and net over to them I'll be saving about $40 a month. Plus any extra charges for calling my friends in the states. So, I'm gonna call them up in a bit, and see what it's gonna cos me to switch, and if they will trade a cable modem for my adsl modem. They offered it to me about 2 weeks ago, hopefully the offer still stands.

So, in a one will be able to find me anymore. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Well, I'm gonna go preoccupy myself with something fucked up.

I fucking hate my mind.




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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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