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Sunday, Mar. 13, 2005 - 11:59 PM

Ya, so had nothing to say on Sat. Spent the day smoking up and fucking. Although....April did call up a certain Calgarian, and messed his head a bit talking Newfie. lol
Other than that, 4 Joints in 12 hours. Had a good steady high going on. Then today Geoff came and got me and I went to his place for dinner, then smoked one with T outside. Fuck me was I wrecked! Maybe I should slow down a bit??? ........Nahhhhhh! lol

So here I sit, slowly coming down, and pondering pretty much nothing. After I got home I sent April out for a walk so she could smoke up. She is just fucked right now. Concentrating on peeling an orange on my bed. It's hilarious! She just zones, then starts telling stories, then zones again.
When I was at G&T's place it was messing my head. I was peaking while sitting in a room where dogs were playing, and kids were everywhere. I was too fucked to move or comprehend it, so I sat and zoned. G kepttrying to fuck with my head by waving his hands and shit in my face. I just looked at him and said "I'm on a mellow high man, you can't fuck me up" he eventually gave up. But then my fave moment came.....

It was time to go home. Fast speeds, high, and loud booming bass. mmm mmm good! I just sat back, and tripped. I put my shades on, and we started zooming down dark side roads. That shit is fucked, you can't see the road, and feel like you are flying.
Then we came across a guy who drove straight into the ditch, G talked to him, I was all fucked over how drunk the guy appeared to be, and we fucked off to a store to call the cops. G ran in and called, and we went back to see how buddy was. By then there were about 6 cars stopped for him. G drove us around a bit, and filled his car up, then we went back to find 2 cop cars, an ambulance, and a fire truck with buddy. We laughed, then kept going. Buddy is gonna be sitting in the drunk tank tonight, and will be in court in the morning for a DUI. lol Dumbass!

So ya, just doing an update before bed. I'm fucked, and wanna go get fucked. So off I go.




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