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~Pissed off much???~

Saturday, Mar. 12, 2005 - 4:45 PM

Last night I had ppl pver. alot of ppl. Very stupid.

I fucked off in the evening to pick up, and got back to ppl at my place already. Well, a person anyway. Someone I didn't know, that April was scared of. An obsessive lil redhead bitch. The worst kind. I invited her over to meet Becky, that's the only reason she was there. Then Becky came over, and then about an hour or so later Lisa and her bf came over. All in all...6 of us.
We all piled into my room, April and I said cheers, and both sparked at the same time. 2 Joints between 6 ppl. I was fucking wrecked. I was so wrecked I couldn't fucking walk, and I lost all the color to all of me. I looked dead. Fucking hydro. grrrrr.
All was fine, and wonderful, until Becky was sitting on my couch unresponsive. Oh yay. Then she splashes fwd onto the fucking floor, and starts to gag. I FUCKING RAN! My phobia kicked in, and I was locked in the fucking bathroom with an anxiety attack. Really bad thing to get when you are fucked. You can't slow the cycling in your head. yay.
She was being carried, and was fighting ppl, as they were trying to get her out of my place, then Lisa talked me down a bit, I grabbed the stunned bitch by the wrist, yanked her up, and informed her that it was time for her to get the fuck out of my apt. She left.
Then she collapsed on the floor in her doorway, and they left her there. April checked on her every so often to make sure she was breathing. Then one time found the door locked. "problem solved" she was faking it. why me?

So I spent hours after all of that shit, trying to slow a extreme anxiety attack. How lovely. Eventually April brought me down, and sat up watching over me until I fell asleep. She just held me, and petted me. She lulled me to sleep. I don't know what it is about her, but she has a calming effect on me. She just started telling stories, and goofing around. I forgot about everything.....I was too busy laughing.

So, first thing this morning I have a message on my voicemail. Becky left her tobacco here, and can't have a smoke. waaaaaa! Well, April got up, and ran it over to her. Came back with some. We chatted, and ate, then smoked a joint, I got fucking wrecked again. This fucking hydro is too fucking strong for me I swear! Shit! Then I climbed in bed, and went to sleep. A nice sound sleep, with April out cold next to me. She decided it was a good idea.

Now I just wanted to quicky document shit before I forget it, and she's still sleeping. Poor thing....I'm gonna roll her a smoke.




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