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Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005 - 8:55 AM

Ya ok, I admit it. I feel guilty for not being around when someone needs me. I'm going to have to start getting online more. Unfortunately, April has discovered the novelty of having access to a comp 24/7, and she is usually online at night talking to all her friends.

Yesterday was kickass though. I totally Wane 'n' Bake'd her. lol

I sent Satan off to school, and was pondering waking april up by crawling under the covers and eating her out. Well, I never made it that far. Instead, I sat down on the bed next to her, and lit a J. She opened one eye up and said "Is that what I think it is?", and I passed it to her. Geoff had been here Sun. night, and rolled up a lil chronic for us. April dared to compare last night, and thought the major diff between chronic and creeper was wicked.
So ya, started her off with a J, and put it out to save a lil. Then at about 9:30am, while completely cooked, we started a lil sexual activity...that turned into alot. When we wre done, of course the high had backed off, so I sparked the rest, and we went back up to the previous high, then I handed her a beer. lol
Cue more sex, more beer, and more sex. We started at 9:30am, and finished at about 2:30pm. 5 hours of off and on fucking. Then after tucking satan in last night, I took her up to the laundry room, and after a smoke, we made out, and I fingered her up there, then that all moved to the couch, and some more fun. I made it to bed at about 4am.

I have to admit that she is starting to grow on me. She is so laid back, and happy go lucky. No stress, no bullshit, no worries. I thought I was all mellow I am just docile.

I find myself staring at April alot. I keep telling her she is dykealicious....that she is chock full of dykey goodness. lol I dunno man, there is just something about her......she is growing on me. Slowly but surely....she is a new fungus on me. lol

I have to admit that I do appreciate the fact that she understands my need to stay single right now. Her patience is phenominal. We were just sitting together on the couch last night, one candle lit, and not saying much, and I turned to her and said...

"It's funny how we draw certain ppl to us at certain times in life. I was depressed, mourning my health, hated me, and the world I was in....and look at the relationship I had. And all the damage that was done to both sides. I self destructed, and took her with me."

But now I am finally content with my body, and my future, and have someone happy, mellow, and without negativity in my life. Kristian just thinks she is the shiznit. She was playing with him for hours yesterday. I dunno man, she's a big, beefy dyke that looks like she could crush me. Just like I like 'em.

Who knows...maybe I am onto something there??

But, tonight I am gonna try to take over my computer so I can possibly chat with a few locals. The operative word in that sentence is "try".

But April is up and giggling away at Monster Garage, so I am gonna go climb back in bed.

Until I steal a few more online moments....Be good to yourselves.



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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
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The current mood of at

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