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~Holy crap batman!~

Friday, Feb. 18, 2005 - 10:54 AM

Well, last night was a royally fucked night for me.

I managed to make it to bed at like 7:30am. lol Yeah, I was talking to April again. We have been having deeper and deeper talk lately. She arrives here a week from today, and the day after that I take her to Trev. She says she is going to buy the supplies to fix the holes in my walls, and in time we will replace the doors. Basically get all the crap out of here that reminds me of the past.
April told me last night that she has decided that when she starts making the serious cash, she is moving out to her own apartment, and is aparently taking Satan and I with her. That she wants me out of here, and away from the memories. She also said the next step was she would buy a house, and we would get a Syberian Husky. Fuck man, she rocks.

So, things with us are getting tighter than ever, and oddly enough, she makes me forget about the bad. I am being attacked on all sides now, and nothing matters. I can walk away from my comp, and the online world, and it doesn't matter to me. She knows that I have issues that I need to deal with, and she is very patient with me. She has pretty much given me all the time in the world, and says she isn't going anywhere. She just can't be real. No one that perfect can be real. All these things she has said, all I have heard before from another, but she has the drive, and the means to make it all reality. She is so down to earth that it amazes me. She is rubbing off on me so fucking bad now too. I oddly enough find myself thinking positive thoughts about life. When she barks, I listen. When, I cry she hears me. No, she is fucking everything I have ever wanted. Even if she is a crazy Newfie......but even that is appealing. I have never been so confused by one person in my life!!! Between her and Geoff throwing newfie phrases at eachother, I have had my mind fucked pretty good. do you know when someone is your match? When you have actually met your match?

I have been a domme for 9 years now, and last night she got me begging. Last night she took over and controlled me. I fell right into her hands, and took comfort in them. Yeah, I met my match alright. She may still be a virgin, but last night she bested a domme. I concede defeat!

Kristian loves the fuck out of her, and she is all over him. She wants to be his "other mom" and says that when Shawn takes off to the states, she will replace dad. With her morals, and sense of values....I couldn't ask for a better role model for my son. I sure as fuck would never reccomend myself as a role model, but I would April. My dad is just in shock because she has a job waiting here, and actually does pay her way. No more living off Amber, it's gonna be living off April because she gets anal if you try to do something for her. She has to pay her own way in life. Independence is a wonderful thing. I mean, when she gets a house the basement will be turned into a studio. She wants her own Kiln too. That shit is killer. I saw some of her drawings a couple of days ago, and was quite impressed by her abilities. I was freaked about trevor, and giving my word. But after seeing some of her stuff, I relaxed. She is as she said. Imagine that? Honesty. Pure unadulterated honesty. Fuck me could I fall for her. Maybe one day....when my head clears. Until then, I'll hide in her lap, and just "be".

I want her. I want to be with her. I want to be hers, and hers alone.

I just want to do it right.

Anyone have any ideas for mental drano? I have a clog that needs to be passed. lol



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The current mood of at

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