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Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2005 - 9:33 AM

Ok, I'm fed up with being paranoid, and running into the shadows. I've decided to get used to others reading about my life. I'm unlocked....hopefully for good.

Now life just continually seems to be getting better since I met April. My stress levels are at like zero, well...except for the killer anxiety from listening to her puke last night. Poor fucking thing had a migraine. Not good. But other than that, there is no fucking stress in my life at all.
She relaxes me, Satan loves her, my mom is all excited...hell even my dad.....

Well, yesterday I made 2 dreams of hers come true. The first one came true when I informed her that I am going to buy my brothers acetaline torch off him. She is a silversmith, and also sculpts with metal. All her stuff has to be left behind, so I figured for a b-day prez, I would find her one. I asked my brother where to buy the supplies, and the torch, plus the price of the torch. He told me, then sais "why?". So, I gave him the run down of April, and that she needs one, and he says "She can have mine for $200". So, I told him to hold onto it, and I will take it off him. She nearly shit herself off of that.

Now then, her main reason for moving to AB was because there was a possibility that a guy in ft. mcmurray might apprentice her to be a tat artist. Art is her life, tattooing is a dream of hers, so she was going to follow her dreams.

Well, seeing as I am Amber, and I do know ppl, and do have friends....much like my brother, the magic words were said yesterday.....

"Amber, can I have your word that she is good?"

"Yes Trevor, you have my word"

"Okay, you are a trusted friend, you gave me your word, that's all I need. Tell her she has a job"

Then he told me the breakdown of what she will be making at first, where she can go with it, and told me he only has one rule...

"When she is up and running, she works for ME. I don't need her fucking off to Dragon FX or some shit. I want her here working for me."

She agreed. So, on the 25th she moves in here for a little bit. I am the only person she knows in Edmonton, and she has a job waiting for her here. She says she doesn't want to live here longer than she has to. That she was raised to be independant, and needs her own place. How fucking nice is that?

Then there is Satan..

Satan is in ove with April. Holy crap did he fall for her fast. First phone chat was 45 min, 2nd was 30 min...and everytime I am on the phone it's "Mommy, ask April...." He is hooked. I asked him a few times straight out what he thought about her, and he lets out a huge grin, and says he can't wait for her to come. When I told him she was going to have to stay here, he started to trip out.
You see, they both like the exact same foods, the same video games, she is a chess champion, and he is wanting to learn. She has asked me straight out if I would mind it if when he gets home from school, if she can spend the time with him...playing vid games, or just doing shit. I told her I don't care. I'll do my own thing. I told her that I have her during the day, if she wants to spend the evenings being a kid with him, then so be it. I'll get her after he goes to bed. So, needless to say....Satan and April are in love with eachother. Looks like yet again I will be the only one here eating healthy foods. Oh well, whatever makes them happy.

Now father.

I told my dad last night that someone was going to be living with me for a bit. He was all "oh ok" Then I explained that it was going to be April, mainly because I just set her up with a job. My dad got all curious about what, so I explained that my tat artist is gonna apprentice her, and that she only needs to stay until she can afford her own place. What does my dad say? "Oooh ho ho YOU'RE KIDDING!" a typical comment from my dad. He loved it. My dad is such a freak lately, he lectures about tattoos being personal expression, and is all knowing about them. lol

Trev figures April will be making cash daily. He says he will even set her up in the back to draw all day. And she'll get $20 a drawing. As the drawings are paid for in advance. He takes cash first, then will draw it up. He got tired of getting screwed by ppl. So, April is drawing up a storm so she has alot to show him. She's in the crowd already.

Yesterday Geoff freaked the shit out of her. He started to msg her online. She asked him who he was, and if she knew him, and the shithead says "Oh yeah, you know me from your dreams". OMG did she freak! I felt so bad. I told her that he is just my best friend of 21 years. She calmed down, he got annoyed because he wanted to play with her, so instead I pulled a big brother thing with.....

"What are your intentions with my sister?"

So, that was amusing.

Well, my bro thinks it's cool, my dad..."I'm happy that you're happy" mom is gunning off of meeting her, and Satan loves her.

Then there is me. She is a lil positive ball of sunshine in my life. Her positivity is astounding, and oddly rubbing off on me too. lol

I am at a point right now, where I am content with life. For the first time in years, I go day after day without suicidal thoughts. Her love of life is addictive, and where I had started to enjoy life when the meds started to heal me, she has taken me that massive amount further. I look forward to my future. I want to go places, do things, play, and have fun. She wants to take me to NFLD, and I would actually go too. She said her dad would steal Satan, and most likely take him fishing. I told Satan that, and the kid got all fired up over it.

"WOAH! I've always wanted to do that!"

Yep, I even talk to her siblings over the phone. He lil brother is hilarious. They call me Satan. lol Ricky got on the phone, and says.....

"Who's this?"


"What ya doing?"

"Looking for fresh kids to skin alive"

Well, since then I get..

"Hey, is this Satan?"


"Skinned any kids lately?"

"Not today, but the night is young"

Oh man, I think he likes me or something. April had Satan poking me while I was typing out an email, and they were on the phone chatting. So, last night Ricky starts talking to me, and I told him about what she did with my son, and I told him to poke her, and annoy her. Well, she gets back on the phone, and he goes at her, but her lil sis joined in. In the end she was screaming at them, and threatening them. I just said..

"Hey April? Payback is a bitch, and so am I"

LMAO! She was so pissed!'s great. Her fookin family seems to already love me, and mine is into her. Life is really fucking good right now. I am happy. I truly am.

And my babe is online right now scanning her artwork from her portfolio for me. YAY!

The portfolio is all tattoo designs she has drawn. I can't wait to see 'em. I put my word on the line. I have been stressing about it since. But, if all is as I believe, I have no worries.

Ahhhhh...ok, better go pounce her.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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