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~Gimme a break already!~

Wednesday, Feb. 02, 2005 - 8:20 AM

I have tried saying I am gone. I have tried being a cunt, I even tried pulling the "I still love you" bullshit.

"We are gonna smoke double now" Well, go right the fuck ahead. All that means is that she'll never get tired of you, and you will never know if I speak truth or not. Like I need her lies and bullshit anymore.

I have tried every possible thing to fuck you both off. Access to this diary was left open because I wanted char to see the reality behind it all...and yes, I document my side of the violence too. The point is....go ahead and read it, but shut the fuck up already! If you want me gone, and she hates me so much, then fuck off out of my life already!

What I update in here is my thoughts, in my LOCKED diary. I am working through my shit in here. You don't like it? DON'T FUCKING READ IT.

Naievity will do you in. If the drugs don't.

And as for mags....she fucking lies for her daughter, the fucking peed. She just wants me gone so that she doesn't have to shell out any more cash. Funny how she contacted me in early Jan to ask me to help her straighten out Claire's drug probs. And for someone who was never violent...well....perhaps you should track down Daniel O'Connor? Ask him the reality. She was on Heroin, and was fucking psycho. He's the one that took her to detox.

Naw, her family is full of shit too.

But you know what?


You can have that shit, and deal with it little girl. You can have that junkie whore too! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! Just fuck off already!

Claire licks pussy like a dog lapping water anyway. She was completely useless when she first came here. Couldn't find my clit, couldn't show her body, thought she was a boy. I taught her too cook, look after herself, and to be an adult. I was a replacement of her fucking useless mother who taught her fuck all.

I'm looking forward to getting me a woman, not some fucking child. I'm looking forward to tits that aren't nipples on an ironing board. I'm looking forward to someone secure in her sexuality, someone who will work for a living, and has a zest for life without a bong attached. Someone who isn't always depressed, even when she is trying to hide it.

I'm looking forward to someone who isn't Claire.

Now fuck off, run along, and smoke that shit until it kills you. But shut the fuck up, and leave me the fuck alone. I've had enough.

"we want to rub it in"

Rub what in? The fact I am free? The fact I can't be hurt anymore? The fact I don't have to worry about how much she is gonna devour this week? Or the fact that now that I am healthy and happy, I can find someone who isn't dwelling on the past?

No little girls, you have nothing to rub in. I don't want the fucking fish. It ended as soon as I heard she was fucking someone else. I hear that, and I am gone, and she knows it. Just let me fucking go. Quit the bullshit games of trying to keep me around. Move on with your lives because all you are showing me is the fact you are both children playing grade school games.


Get it through your thick heads already! YOU CAN'T HURT ME!

I went cold to that skank immediately, I think shit out in my diary, once it is out, it is gone. I don't dwell when I type it out. Oh my! I guess I'm not dwelling?

Time will show you that all I have ever said is the truth, and that she is so full of shit she has lost reality. THANK FUCK I no longer have to deal with that shit. I had no social life because she was jealous, and would accuse me of shit. I had fears because she was fucking paranoid about everything. Hell, I had to introduce her to actual food.

I no longer have to look after a 23 yr old child. I can just be with someone who is equal. No char, from now on you will be looking after her. You work, you support her habit, she will stay on the dole, and will do the odd i/v to show that she is "doing summit" but she will never get the job because she has never done anything at all. She is a 23 yr old sponge. I was dumb enough to try to look past that, and WW3 erupted because of how much she consumed here. No char, you can have that shite. I'd rather have an adult. Someone who will be equal with me.

Shit with Claire and I was over years ago, we both know that. I know why I stayed, and it was for all the wrong reason. Fuck knows why she stayed....but thank fuck she is gone. She told me once that if we ever parted ways she wanted to maintain a friendship with me. But hanging with children has made her a child, and I already have one thanks.

Now, I said it before, and will say it again.


Read what you will, until I get fed up and lock you out. No you aren't getting the passes ever, and for goddess sake! SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Now run along and play like good little girls. The big girls wanna be with the other adults.



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