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~Geez louise!~

Tuesday, Feb. 01, 2005 - 9:44 AM

Well, I'm gonna hit my dad up for cash on friday. He said last night that I need to get out, and at like 1am I was invited out to the roost on saturday, with a group of ppl. So, I think I am gonna go. I just need cash for pop. Yay me! I wonder if any of the ppl I know will be there.

Ever met a gay man who has no clue what a sex toy is? I have. At the end of the month I am taking a friend of mine out to a sex shop. You see, a couple of weeks ago he followed a couple of drag queens to a private party. At this party he saw a pretty bracelet, and tried it on. When everyone was done laughing he found out it was a cock ring.....and he even asked "what's it for?" *shakes head* That shit is just not right man. So, I am gonna fix it.

So yeah, the social life is beginning. I'm starting to look forward to tomorrow now. That'll be the first time in 4 years that tomorrow looked promising, so I am gonna milk it for all it's worth. I actually will be starting going to a gym in March, it has been decided, and it looks as if I am going to have it paid for me.....but we will see. I'm excited about that. It's gonna be great. I have decided that I'll go at about 11am so I can do my 30 min workout, and get back in time to relax a while before satan gets home. Yep, I am taking control of my life finally. No more moaning about, and being depressed. The Copaxone has given me a future.

I was talking to my dad last night, and I told him that I am considering going back to GMCC to complete the Holistic program. There are 3 courses I need to complete for year 1, and then a full load in year 2, inclodong the practicum. But I think I'll be able to handle it physically soon, not to mention shit is diff mentally and emotionally now. I am a hell of a lot more stable than I was in '01/'02. I have accepted alot, been shown shit that I needed to learn, and in the end, I need the challenge. So, we will see what happens after I start hitting the gym. I am expecting to regain some strength from it. I'm excited about it. I can't wait!

Ugh! Fucking early mornings are killing me. So I am off to nap before my head falls off my shoulders.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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