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~Well, there you have it~

Sunday, Jan. 30, 2005 - 4:44 PM

So yeah, a few odd things are going around right now.

First of all....

I was online last night, and saw Nos' id online, so I said hey and was told he wasn't around, and I was talking to his brother John. prob. Well, what started at joking around online, turned into him saying "CALL ME NOW!" and giving me his ph #. To which my reply is "No can do, I have a long distance block on my phone". So after he whined at me, I gave him my number, and ended up chatting with him for about 4 hours. He was pouting when I said I needed to go to bed. The guy was telling me that he swears that I was pulled right out of his head because I am everything he wants in a female. Ok???????? Sure don't even know me. But whatever. I went from one brother to the next, only this guy is 39. Not that age matteres much. I was enjoying the convo because that was the first Jersey accent I have heard in reality, and I was enjoying it all. They just have a way of pronouncing words that make them sound.....richer? I dunno, I just liked it.

Well, it was decided this afternoon that I shall start cruisin' the gay bars with my buddy. You see, I knew this guy for the last couple of years, but after setting up a profile on so I can hook up with peeps in my city, he found me on there, and "came out" to me about being gay. I as usual shrugged...typical amber reaction, and then started to bs with him about it. Well, he started to tell me that there were 2 chicks at work who were going on about how he needs a gf, and they want to set him up...yadda yadda...and he is fed up with it. Well, I said to him that if they keep that shit up, then I'll pick him up from work, and kiss him on the lips infront of them...just to shut them up. He laughed his ass off, and thinks it's a great idea. So, if they start up, he'll tell me, and I'll go in.
Well, today we were talking again, and it has been decided that near the end of the month I am off to the roost with him. We are gonna go out and have some fun together. Finally...getting back into the scene. It's nice having someone to go out with that lives near you.

Now, I am scratching my head a little bit. At my request, my mom brought her scale over here so I could weigh myself. I have officially lost 23 lbs since xmas. possibly more. If I smarten up and get reiki then I'll lose the water retention in my right leg, and that alone is probably 10 lbs. So I am doing a lil head scratching over trying to figure out why, but I am putting it down to the drugs increasing my mobility, and levelling out my fatigue so that I am actually doing more shit now. Hey, I ain't complaining. In about 2 months I am planning on starting Curves. I am determined to get back to the weight I was when I got preg. I know I can do it too. And if all goes according to plan, in the next year or so, I want a fucking job! Yeah, my rent will go up, but in the end I will have more money to play with. Or, I might just do shit under the table. I don't know yet, I'm not there yet. All I know is that I feel good right now.

My scabs are starting to flake off now. I woke up with lil black bits all over me today. It was amusing.

So all is going according to plan and then some. I can actually say I am content. I'm also rather enjoying messaging a dyke in this city. We are chatting about toy you pervs. We are both lil kids insid, and enjoy being so....I am oddly having the same chat with a woman in Calgary too. It seems there are alot of adult kids out there, and they seem to be finding me. lol

I truly don't mind.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring?



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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