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~Omg! LMAO!~

Thursday, Jan. 27, 2005 - 8:25 AM

I just read over my last entry, and I have to laugh. You can see the exact moment that I burned out.

Let me explain.

Big gaps of missing info. I'm chatting to Trevor then handing buddy cds??? Okayyyyy

I was chatting to Trevor, then a guy comes out from the back. The guy sits down on another couch, and starts to BS with us. Trevor introduces me, and buddy gets up, and asks me what it is that I want to have done. So I tell him a band logo, THEN pull out my cds, put them on the counter, and show him.

Now at that point I was worried about what to do with Satan, as I knew he would be bored. Trevor looks at the midget (fucked if I can remember his name, all I know is that he lives with trevor) and says "Why don't you fire up a lil wrestling for him on the PS2?" and that he did. While the stencil was being made up, I was wandering around and watich what everyone was I usually do with trev, (saw he was rolling a J) and then I stood and watched satan figure out the game.
Well, stencil was done, and buddy asks me if it's okay if he goes out to smoke up, I said as long as my tat is done good, I don't care. Then he tells me that he hasn't tattooed straight in years, and asks me if I want in on it. I decline of course, with a big assed grin, and off he goes. I go watch satan while they are out, then buddy comes in and I follow him back. Then they get me a comfy chair, and I kick back and relax. Then we begin.
Ok, and in referance to red... The logo looks like this.....

See the top left corner with the name? Well he did the outline of it, and did the "The" in solid black. Now if you look at the letters in "exploited" They kinda overlap and shit? Well after the outline was done he sat back and looked at it. I had originally wanted the whole thing outlined in black and colored in red. Then it became doing it all in black. Well, he was looking at it, and said he figured the red was the best idea. I agreed. So the border you see was done black, as I wanted that, and the black "The" looked like it belonged, but the "Exploited" is outlined in black, but colored in red. Fuck me did it turn out nice too!

Heh! I just remembered the midgets name! TOXIC! lol

So yeah, I had asked Toxic to go see about dragging Satan in, and he went to look, then came back saying he was absorbed in the game, and reality didn't exist. lol As usual. But when we started on the red, I made Toxic bring him in. Now buddy had one of thos dr.s office light up magnifying thingys. You know, like a huge magnifying glass with a frame around it that lights up? Well he pulled it down, and magnified the needle he was using, and showed satan that it was actually 7 of them. Then he started to show satan how he works the ink into my arm. He first told him not to worry, that I'm not bleeding, the red he sees is ink only, and then shows him how to work it in, then to clean it off and see if any spots were missed. Satan was right in there watching. Then he sprayed my arm and wiped it off to show satan that the color is staying on now. Satan was totally grinning off that, and then started to tell buddy about the "master sword" from Zelda, that he wants tattooed on his right upper arm. I then told him he could go back to the video games, and he was off in a shot. I kinda preferred him being absorbed in the game, better that than him listening to all the midget jokes that were flying around, and the swearing trev and buddy were doing at eachother.
I was talking to buddy about fucking everything. He said that he tats high because it gives him more patience, more concentration, and more creativity. All of which I can see. He commented on how the outline was fucking with his head, because he was used to having to do straight lines on a tat, and the lines on the border are anything but straight. He was all "I can't fuck this thing up!" I was laughing at him. He razzed me for liking punk, as he is an old metal head, and prefers his metal to punk, although he likes shit like Pennywise. *snicker*

When my arm was done, and I could corner buddy long enough to pay him, I was a lil worried as They charge $125/hr, and I was over an hour with this. Well, buddy says "Just give me $100 if that sounds fair hun. You are an old client of trevors, so it's cool" Well shit...okay! I was in such a fucking good mood when I left there, I was on a wicked high for hours, then a wicked burnout. I passed out almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Now I sit here, about to shower, looking down at the masking tape and saran wrap on my arm, and cringe at the thought of pulling that tape off. LMAO!

*rolls eyes*

I'll get a tattoo without flinching, but live in fear of pulling tape off skin.

Yep, sounds about right. *sigh*

But yeah, spoke to Trevor about the sleeve I want, and he said he'll do it, and that he wants me to go in so he can map out my arm, and design it for me. I want all the cartoon like cover art encorporated in it. Skulls with bone mohawks, punk zombies...the whole lot. We all figure it will be cool. I just have to call him up next week or so, and when my arm is healed buddy wants to look at it to make sure the color is solid. If it isn't he is gonna make it so. Then I'll make an appt to see trev about designing my sleeve, and then I'll go once a month for $100 worth of work. I may be seeing trev for the next year and a half, but I'll get the fucker done. I'm fucking cringing at the thought of the wrist, elbow, and armpit though. Scary shit that is.

Damn, I just ralized my grandma wings are getting smaller. That being when you are fat and hold your arms up, the flabby skin that hangs? Well, they are shrinking with the rest of me. I seriously need to weigh myself. I need to know where I am at now, because everything that didn't fit, is starting to, everything tight(ish) is baggy, and my ass is smaller to my own eyes, not just other ppls. I am guessing 20-25 lbs since xmas, but I want to confirm it. I know it's pissing my mom off, because she is trying to work out, and lose weight, an well.....her ass is still fucking huge!

Okay, time to bite the bullet, and pull the tape. I was weeping last night so the tat is a fucking bloody mess. mmmmm yummy! OW! Fucking arm hairs!


Big gooey mess!

I'm off to shower.



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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