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~Numb pt.2~

Friday, Jan. 14, 2005 - 2:38 AM

I am well beyond headfucked now.

Her mom talks to me, tells me shit, I email her about it, and I get this....

"ok.......slow this down, ok???? when my mum gets drunk she chats crap, you gotta take it with an inch of salt, honest. i'm not on drugs and neither am i living with her, you've said both things before and i deny it then and i deny it now because it isn't true, i mean if i were doing it and you being all cool with it, don't u think i would admit that by now? come on. i'm gonna screw at my mum today for chatting to you drunk, i hate it, because it is never quite the truth.
i'm not around on here because of how difficult to get on here it is, i mean shit it can be impossible sometimes, doesn't mean i don't love you or fink about you.
yes i am yours, need need to q's that.
how have you been? what has been wetting your whistle? lol how's k?
i was wondering and i would find a way to pay but could you please send me some of my photos and my astley cooper final folder, i've shown you it, it's burgendy with grades an shit in there, it's in my purple box i need it for my grades etc and the pics, well i just miss lookin at em, some old-some newish just rip some out of my black album and pull some good old ones out of the bag, i swear to god if you can do this for me i woiuld be so fucking grateful, please????
i do love yuou, i know i'm pretty atricious at all of this stuff, but i try
off to the dole for moi
i love you

Well, did you see that? You see the sweet talking to get something out of me. Kissing up so I'll do something for her?

I told her she can start treating me with respect, and stop giving bullshit lines, and throwing me an email a fucking week. Fuck that shit!

I told her she had to work a lil harder if she wants me to do something for her. Otherwise, her shit is in my storage room, and she can feel free to come and get it. *bows*

I'm not gonna do fuck all for someone who doesn't even try to talk to me. Nope, fuck that. I may be a sucker when it comes to my heart, but I sure as fuck won't be used by anyone.

She wants that shit, she can get in regular fucking contact with me.

Oh, and my paranoid blast about Char? It got one line of a reply.

"it's neither here nor there if char's cute, i've only got eyes for you
i wish youknew that

I'm still suss. My little green monster is gnawing on my ass.

So.....where do I go from here?

I told her to get her shit together, and to be here by the 15th, or I am gonna walk. This is the decision I made. It is where I will stand.

I can forgive my birthday. I can forgive xmas, and new years. But I will never in my life forgive the missing of a anniversary that I deem as important as this one. After's half a decade.

No, things hang in the balance, and she shrugs it all off.

For someone who says the care, she sure as fuck doesn't act like that.

1 month tomorrow....and counting.



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

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