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Thursday, Jan. 13, 2005 - 10:42 PM

Well, imagine my shock when I get a msg from Jays mom wishing me a happy new year.

Well, she wanted to confront me on the mpd shit, and the abuse I spoke of. I was told that her and Jays dad never touched Jay, and she was clueless what it was all about. I dunno. I suppose I'll never know thge truth behind it, as I was told diff things from her and the kids.
Well, her mom wanted to talk to me because she is at her wits end right now.

Me:I know she has been stealing to survive. If I had more money I would send her some.

Her:Don't ever do that!!!!! need it for yourself and Kristian.........OK, what does she steal for?


Her:So.i don't feed her now?

Me:She told me that she needed the money for food
I haven't actually talked to her in months. I know what I get in 2 lines of an email.

Her:and you believe that?...when did she tell you that?

Me:She has been saying it all along
I may be a trusting idiot, but I try to give her the benefit of the doubt
The last I heard was she stole John's phone

Her:Ok, i know that she thinks the world of you....also that me and her haven't been seeing eye tto eye, but unless she is leaving home, then she is ok for food......although i have told her several times recently that she will have to go

Me:She doing drugs again?

Her:she pawned it xmas eve...........i think that is pretty low, considering that we gave her stuff for xmas
How can i tell you anything?.........should be up tp her, i know that she still cares for you

Me:I'll take that as a yes
Bottom line I know her well, and when she is on stuff she avoids me. I have offered to call her whenever she wanted for months, and am always told no
I started to question it in dec, and well...lately..

Her:She is at the limit of no return........

Me:how so?

Her:I have got her on anti depressent, because, i can't trust her at all, she will take anything in the house to smoke wacky backie...she has got out of control and we are arguing BIG TIME

Me:Ok, that will be my fault I am guessing

Her:WHY !!!!!

Me:She stays off it here, but out there goes crazy
She simply misses me, and can't handle it

Her:Yes........she admitted that, but said, that she always knew she would be back

Me:A leopard doesn't change his spots. She will go to drugs
Drugs kill the pain
I have nervous breakdowns and cut myself with razorblades. She gets high

Her:I know that too

Me:Personally, as bad as it sounds, atleast she is alive.
I know in Nov. she was breaking glass bottles and stabbing herself

Her:I know that also, she admitted it all, when we went to see the Mental Health Team, after her getting the anti depressants
But they said that they thought she was ok and she should contact the Drug team

And the convo went on and on for another hour.

What do I do?

My hands are tied. She won't talk to me, so I can't get through to her at all. I want her here, but I think forced rehab might be her only option without me physically being with her.

I am going through waves of anger, disgust, and needs of self harm. I need to fucking talk to her. To sort her out. To sleep.

I just don't know where to go from here.

I need to go think.




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