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~Not nice~

Friday, Jan. 14, 2005 - 10:39 PM

Well, I am not a nice person. But I am comfortable with that.

Oh yeah in some aspects I am, but in most I am not. I guess in a way I am like Robin Hood. I steal from the assholes, to give to those I care about. I mean, I look after Jay and Kal because they both need it, and in the past there have been others. But I also do not very nice things to get my hands on cash.

Like now.

I have started a rumor, a bad rumor. You see, I figured out that I can afford a flight to get Jay here if I can get my hands on approximately $940US. So, I started a rumor.....

A severe depression has made me ditch the chatroom, after 2 days I started to talk to those who were messaging me. The rumor flying is that "Ivy" handed her rent money to a supposed trusted friend to drop off for her. This friend fucked off with her cash, and she is going to get evicted if she doesn't magically come up with it.

Now, I don't usually pull these bullshit games, but I am at the end of my rope here. I emailed Jays mom and asked her to find out what a flight will cost so I know what to get, and I emailed Jay to ask if she will get on a flight if I can get her one.

Tomorrow morning I am to meet Nos online, and he will tell me if he could get cash out of his brother or not. If he does he is gonna send it to me, then send more when he gets his tax return that he is waiting on. There is another person looking for a way to help me, and another waiting on a tax return as well to help.

I am hoping that all this works. I know karma will most likely bite me in the ass for this, but I'll just have to balance it out with good deeds for the next year or so.

As my true colors start to show. Yes, for Jay I will lie, cheat and steal. I am a Con Artist, and backed out of it for years, but she is different. I have lied for her, much like I would for any of the ppl closest to me if it was requested of me. But, I guarantee the other 99.99% of the time I am completely honest. This is a matter of survival. My survival.

Please goddess....just give me this!



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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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