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Saturday, Dec. 04, 2004 - 3:57 PM

Okay, ages ago I spoke of the shit I just recently brought up know of the whole alcohol poisoning thing? Well, the original purge id HERE. So ya....I ended that purge by referring to Ray's beating. I have been thinking about it for days, and now feel like bringing it up again.

It's odd though....right now I see this as being nothing, but at the time I was 16, I had only been away from home for about 3 or so weeks, and it seriously fucked me. Everything in that house fucked me. From seeing a person shoot up for the first time, to losing 60 lbs in a month because all there was to eat was rice. Yay for living on the ethiopian diet! (Don't get any ideas Jade....unless you take vitamins while you do it)

So ya, This supposed bunch of Satanists, that were originally a supposed "coven" of supposed witches. *ahem* Funny how I was the only person who knew anything about anything....anyway...

This house we were in was a very large one that was split into suites. Ray and I were in the bottom right, Frank and Allison were in the back....where Ray and I had started off, hard to is so fresh in my mind though. The house was torn down shortly after this summer I was there, so I can't show it. But there was a back suite way at the back that Jessie, and what the fuck is his name? He was 2 days out of Jail for assault and battery. Shit! He was a mean fucker too, had a wicked blood fetish.Damn. I can even see his face. Bruce!!! That's it! But upstairs in this house was a suite that Renee and Chuck (the would be satanist that came in and took over with death threats)

Let me introduce these ppl.

Frank- in his late 20's, greasy poofy blonde hair, missing alot of his front teeth, had an obsession with me, and is the reason behind Ray and I splitting up. Infact back when I was passed out from the alcohol poisoning, I had woken up stumbled upstairs, smoked a joint with Renee, then went back downstairs to bed again. Right after I dozed off, I woke to Frank going down on me, then fucking me. Yay! He did this everytime I went to bed, I was scared to death of him, but when Ray came, it stopped. I willingly gave myself to Ray, and Frank figured I was his. Hence the future headfuck he did to Ray to split us up.

Allison- Frank's legal wife. She was an ex-prostitute who hated me because Frank wanted me. At first I lived with constant death threats from her, and literally slept with one eye open. In time she befriended me, and started to take me places with her. She had a cold look in her eye that would chill me to the bone. Looked right through me.

Renee- Friend from Vic Comp. Was my best friend at the time. She was the one that set me up with living there because she knew what was going on at home. Renee's mom is a pagan that is one of the wisest women I have ever met. I loved going over to Renees....I used to freak her mom out with the way I dressed...I apparently looked evil. But Renee was there for me...infact years later Renee came out to me about being a switch, and that night took me with her so I could watch her break in a new sub. For almost 2 years we worked as a team, sometimes filling my apt. with naked men, and abusing them all together. I eventually blew her off when she was fucking 9 diff guys, and was doing it in the living room when her 6 yr old daughter was home. Needless to say, he daughter knew how to sneak down the stairs silently....I just didn't want to know.

Chuck- Had eyes al joyful as charles manson. Really fucking evil cunt, his entire head is a loose screw. I remember him telling me one day that he was bored, so he sat down with a needle and some india ink, and tattooed a face with a goatee onto the head of his penis. Renee laughed and said it winked at her. The thought of the pain that would cause alone headfucked me. Chuck was a self proclaimes Satanist. Chuck was the one who decided that the cat killings needed to be done. He was the one with the cat skull collection, and the love of extreme violence. I can't count how many times I was pinned in a corner while he informed me just how he was going to torture and kill me. Or just lock me in the "cells" in the basement. (there were storage rooms down there that were the side of 2 linen closets together, heavy wood, and sound proof...guess why he picked that house?) Chuck scared the fuck out of me. I used to wish I was invisible when he came in the room.

Jessie- Renees friend, self proclaimed witch, Bruce's main squeeze, and street neice to Ray...although she was older than him. Jessie was nice to me. When I sliced my arm open during a little rite they decided to do in a graveyard (don't ask *rolls eyes*) my arm wouldn't stop bleeding, and Jessie took me to her place, and doctored me up. We noticed that night that hot wax from a candle will stop bleeding and pretty much cauterize a wound. Jessie liked to eat raw meat, she was crazy as fuck, and fun. But she was also extremely violent if pushed even slightly.

Bruce- Left jail in the morning, was in the house 2 days later....after he shot Ray in the face. He thought it was fucking funny, he didn't know the gun was loaded. For some reason Bruce scared me almost more than Chuck. When you watched him, you could see that he has been in and out of jail. He was almost hardened...cold. Bruce was a mean fucker.

And finally....

Ray- The first time I met him it was in passing, the second time I was passed out in the grass with alcohol poisoning, and was freezing because everyone figured ice water might revive me. He was disgusted by me that night. I sure know how to make an impression huh? A few nights later Ray showed up, and was kinda shy towards me, I was cornered by bruce, and sat down while he stood over me, and explained to me that Ray wanted me, and everyone agreed on the match. I had no complaints, the guy was hot with amazing hair. I drooled over him. I was well into that. He came out of the room, bruce went away, he shy like asked me out (god this sounds so sad...I was 16 ok!) Then we went into the room, and fucked infront of Jessie and Bruce. After Ray went to the bathroom, and bruce said "what do you think?" I said "I dunno, I think I'll keep him around for a while" That was that. That entire summer Ray and I fought 2x. We were a damn good match. As I said before, he was my first love. Bruce always threatened him. Said he always had to use protection because if I gor preg, Ray would suffer from a bad case of death. He was considerate, kind, and gentle with me. Made me feel like gold. That's Ray.

I think I'll just add this, then start a new entry for the story or it will be too long.

To be continued.............



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