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~purging my past~

Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 - 2:01 PM

Whe I had moved into this house there was one other person in there, a creepy guy named grant. He looked after me for like 2 days, then my friend and a bunch of people moved in. This house was quite a fucked up place to be.

When I turned 16, I came into a few "gifts". I started to see things, know things, and was able to do things that I couldn't explain. My friend was a self proclaimed witch, who did basically nothing but curse people. She told me that the people moving into this house were hand picked by her for her new "coven". I thought "hey, cool". Might I point out, thats what I first.

When everybody moved in they all threw a house warming party. I was asked if I wanted a drink. I said I did of course. They took a pint glass, and filled it half with JD, and half with Polar Ice. Both bottles were in the freezer overnight, so they were potent. They then added a couple of drops of coke. They said it was for color. I went onto the roof and chugged it back, then asked for another. Halfway through the next, it all hit me. I remember stumbling, and falling down the stairs. I remember making it to the back porch and sitting down hard. I remember saying "I think I'm gonna....." Then I remember being on grass on my face. Then I remember people laughing, and water hitting me, and it being cold. Then people were carrying me. Then I was in my room in bed. Then a greasy guy in his 40's was taking my clothes off. Then there was yelling, and a blanket was thrown on me. My last conscious thought was that I needed to lay on my side or I was going to die. I remember rolling over, but my body was like lead. I woke up almost 3 days later in a pool of my own puke....that was full of blood.

I found out that after I passed out they tried to revive me with water and ice. It didn't work, so they carried me in, and put me to bed. Later on in the party a guy they knew decided he was gonna fuck me. I was out cold so no one would know. My friend caught him cutting my clothes off, and kicked him out. He had returned about 10 min later with a rifle. He said to her he was gonna kill me. She blocked the way, and kicked him out again. Then he stood in the empty lot next to the house and shot his rifle into the air a few times, and was eventually chased by cops. I was out cold in a alcohol poisoned stupor. I didn't hear a thing.

When I finally woke up, I cleaned everything up, cleaned up myself, and went up to my friends room. She smiled when she saw me, and immediately rolled a J. I smoked it with her, then went back to bed. It knocked me on my ass immediately, and made me want to sleep.

About an hour after I was in bed and out cold, I woke up to a greasy fucker named Frank on me. He was all nasty, and missing teeth. I was so fucked I couldn't say anything, or even fight him off. So I laid there until he was done, then went back to sleep. It went like that for about 3 days, I got up, got high, went to bed, found Frank on me. The fucker was like 27, and I was 16. He scared the fuck out of me. Then one day, Ray came to visit, rumor had it he was moving in.

This guy was dark, and beautiful. He had beautiful hair, great style, and he wanted me at first sight.(which caused problems with frank later on...another story) Ray had a huge scab on his right cheek. When asked what happened, he said "I got shot". His buddy was playing around with a .22 and accidently shot him in the face. The bullet lodged in his cheekbone. He was supposed to get it surgically removed, but he couldn't be bothered with it all. So he just let it heal.

Ray....ray and I hit it off immediately. He looked after me, protected me, and loved me. He was 18 at the time. He had been adopted into an Italian family, and had the most amazing name. Typically Italian in every way. I was amazed by him. Things between us were great, we got along perfectly..

By this time my friend had moved in her bf of the moment. A crazy looking mother fucker named Chuck who was a self proclaimed satanist. Thats when shit got bad, and this is where my conscious is unrelenting, and my guilt will never fade. Chuck looked at me one day, and said "You WILL kill this cat, or you are next". I can say that I was 16 and scared, but how much of an excuse is that? Could I have run? hid? told the cops? He has these light blue eyes, and a look on him like charles manson. Perhaps he had practiced the look. The fucker self tattooed a smily face with a goatee on the head of his dick....he was fucked, and he scared me.

It gets graphic from here folks!

We had an old bathtub with feet in this couse. For some reason there was a bar running across the top of it. A rope was tied to that, then tied around the cats neck. They called it kitty bungee jumping. I put one foot on either edge of the tub, and stood on the top of it. I held the cat, gave it a rub, and asked the cat quietly for forgiveness. Then as hard as I could, I threw it down. It didn't break it's neck, and the thing went wild. They told me to do it again and I did, but I wasn't strong enough.

They got mad at me, and threw me off into the corner. I sat there, and watched them all laugh and cheer as they bounced this cat off the wall, and beat it until it stopped moving, and shit and piss was everywhere. Then Chuck came over to me and said, since you fucked that up, you get to be the one to skin it. I want the skull. I freaked, I couldn't do it. Ray gave me a hug, and said not to worry, he and his bud would do it for me. Chuck agreed but said I had to watch it. So I did.

I watched the bathtup fill with blood. I watched the head get cut off, I watched them skin it. But they couldn't get the brains out of it. No matter what they did, it just wasn't happening. The hole at the base of the skull was too small. So, they boiled it. For about 2 hourse that skull was boiling in a pot on the stove. The house smelled like someone was cooking game. Then grant started to clean out the skull, eating half of the brains as he went. Trying to get me to try it. I just said no thanks, and sat there smoking a cigarrette. He was making the skull talk to me, and laughing through the whole thing. By this point I was numb, I think I have been numb since then. I just don't really feel.

In the next installment, I will discuss Rays beating, and why/how I left the house.....

Sorry, but these are things I need to get out.




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