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~What the fucking fuckity fuck?~

Wednesday, Dec. 01, 2004 - 10:06 AM

LMFAO you guys!

I do one little....well...BIG update, and the world starts yapping at me. lol

That was a nice surprise.

Okay....Kal man....there are professionals everywhere, they just cost a few hundred a session. Simple violent sex will cure the bottom issue. I put it down to lack of sex. After all, there is only so much your vibrator can do. But my moment passed. I get that way once every couple of years. Now I want to sexually torture, and maim again. Oddly enough, and for everyones FYI....I have an offer here in the city to go pro. I just can't do it though. I mean it's like glorified prostitution to be paid. I do gifts though. Anyone wanna send me one? lol
No, I put a line out to the bdsm scene here, just to see what was out there, and have a dozen guys looking for no sex, just hardcore domination and discipline. One of them has offered to shower me in toys. Whips, paddles, any gear I want. It's so fucking tempting....but no. I couldn't do that to Jay. Her insecurities will have her self destruct. Now if I was guaranteed 100% single...that's another story. I'd pick up about 5 of the guys, and would have me a nice selection of goodies to play with. *sigh* The sacrifices me make. She's worth it though. Even with all the shit she puts me through. Mental illness is one thing I can understand.

Now then.....Z. AAPL jumped by like $3 the other day. I'm still kicking myself that I didn't buy it at $52 back in Oct. But, I bought it last friday at $62.70....and right now it's worth $67.13. I can't complain about that. They figure it will hit $100 in the next year. I may just break down and buy some for me one day. But for now, I am impatiently waiting for the stock cert. to arrive from Cali so I can frame it, and wrap it for my daddy. I'm such a suck. lol

And finally...Jade. My dads parents immigrated here from the Ukraine. I'm built like my grandma. She was a fucking ox and a half with huge my mom says "you got yours from your dads side" geez, thanks mom. lol (they're only a C sheesh!)
I have had huge calves all my life because they are solid. I may be covered in flab, but when I flex my calves they are cut. It's a piss off though. I have one neck, cheekbones, slender hands, wrists and ankles....but, am still carrying flab from having my son. The fucking shit won't go! I personally think it's from not enough sex. After all, what better way is there to exercise? (hmmmm is this a pattern? Everything is from lack of sex..)
Nah, I'm built like a ukrainian woman right off the farm. I pick Jay up and walk away with her alot. lol Well, when my legs let me. Fucking MS is cramping my style. grrrr
I like my size though I can take a beating as well as I can give one. I also find that on a sexual basis, if you are hooking up with a guy...or girl as the case may know that they realize that you have flabby wobbly bits (too much bridget jones commercials) and they aren't gonna be shocked by any of it. So, no worries about imperfections, just having a "gay" old time. lol
I think that in a way that might be why I am so sexually open. I mean I have a rule that if something scares me, I go at it full force, and head first. Like for instance, the first night Jay was here I was scared shitless. So what did I do? I seduced her, took her to my room, laid her out and orally raped her....for a few hours. lol Oh ya, I'm an angel. *grin*
But I was seriously scared about having sex with her for the first time, I may not have looked it, but I was shitting myself over it. I get nervous over every new partner. So needless to say, the new ones tend to get laid. Only my last bf had to wait a week. Oh, I went into his pants that first night, hell ya I did. But when faced with 10 inches for the fist time, ones initial reaction is "OH NO! You ain't coming near me with that fucking thing!" I literally ran from it for a week. I had heard many horror stories from a friend about 8 inches. Imagine the shock. I never bothered to look at her and notice she had no fat on her and literally looked anorexic. I also didn't pause to clue in on the fact that fat ppl have more give, and aren't lil tight assed fucking sticks with hang ups. Needless to say...there was no prob in the end....except for when it got violent....I spent 90% of the time with a bruised cervix. Now that sucked.

Okay...little more info than needed. But het, it is my diary, and if I want to yap on about wicked sex shit...then I shall thank you very much. he he

Atleast I am semi entertaining.

On to other less fascinating things.

I seem to have developed an addiction to Mandarin oranges. Damn my mom for buying me a case of them! I just know I am gonna give myself the "trots" as my grandmother calls it. Fucking oranges.

Oh hey! Friday I am pulling Satan out of school an hour early. My dad is picking us up, we are dropping junior off at my moms work....they are excited about that I can tell ya, the entire hospital unit will be buzzing over him coming, they all buy him presents every year....after we drop him off my dad and I are taking in a matinee of The Polar Express. My dad really wants to see it (the old softy) and he wanted to take Satan to see it, but the kid has no interest in it because it isn't comedy or action. So, seeing as I originally wanted to take Jay, but she isn't here (bloody woman) I am gonna go with me daddums, and see me a moooooovie. (ummm...who let the cow in?)

*pause to peel orange*

Oh yes....ladies, I must remind you that the neopets advent calendar started today. There is an avatar for todays gift. Be sure to get it.

So get this ok.....I feel things before they happen. I just sort of "know" things. I always have. My grandmother, and great grandmother are/were the same.

Well....I got this fucked up feeling the other day. I was doing my shopping with my mom last friday, and it just hit me out of nowhere. So, I bought Jay a xmas gift, and then bought Skit one. Oddly enough I had been looking for Skit's for months, and couldn't find it...but that day withing 5 min of the feeling, it was sitting in front of me. I couldn't understand why I couldn't buy him a stocking. As it just didn't feel right...but then Jay told me my boy went into hiding. So, that will explain why. I'm quite mellow now though. The reality of feeling this has me relaxed. I know she's coming, just not when.

I have done a shitload of thinking this past weekend, and am working on sorting out all this shit in my head. It's fucked though.

Here's a lil holistic lesson for ya.

A person dreams while they sleep. You are always dreaming. If it is something you need to know, your unconscious mind gives it to your conscious mind, and you remember when you wakre up. If it is something you are avoiding and seriously need to face, it comes as an urgent message, and you have a nightmare.

Got it? ok then...

I never dream. Well, technically I do, but I never remember. I over analyze myself and situation constantly. I also have never had a nightmare. Oh I have had about a handful of bad (ish) dreams, but I am always in control, and I wake myself up. So ya....I don't wake up saying "I had a dream last night about...." It just doesn't happen.

There is a point to this......I have started to remember dreams.

In my teens I used to tell ppl I dreamed in psychedelic. Which is pretty much true. What dreams I have tend to be like an acid trip (shhhhh...I would never drop that shit....again) and lately they have been like watching a scene unfold. Usually I just have a trippy dream, but in the past few days I have had dreams about Jay and I just hanging out normally. That's it. Just daily boring shit.

I swear there has got to be something wrong with me. lol Ppl living normal lives have nightmares, I live a nightmare and dream of normal. I'm ass backwards. Oh well, I suppose it could be worse. I could be a preppy mormon virgn....That would be way worse. And BORING! God! How the fuck can you not go mental from the boredom????

Ah well, I'm jabbering on. I'm gonna take a nap. (you know...that whole old person thing)




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

Push play to listen to "Would you like to swing on a star" by Frank Sinatra!!!