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~Stunned silent~

Saturday, Nov. 27, 2004 - 12:49 AM

So ya, I just watched Elephant, and what can I say?

I now know why there is no description of this movie, and nothing really said period. It's one of those movies where I can tell that the audience left silent. There are no words to describe it. There is basically no plot, or script. It is all encompassing. It is self explanitory. It is.......?

What a fucked up movie. I sat, I watched, I laughed when there is nothing funny. I guess it was either a nervous laugh, or just my sick mind taking over.

I wish I could describe the movie, but I can't. I identified with many of the characters. I've been in their place many times. But the was was.

Basically, I just got skull fucked by a movie.

That was fucked up. I reccomend that anyone who likes artsy docudramas should see this film. It IS literally 100% based on Columbine in every way. From the video games, to Eric's website, to everything. And it head fucks you because it either has no music, has happy classical, or the soft sounds of birds singing. All happy music, when really fucked up shit is going on.

Holy fuck!

I HAVE to make my dad watch it with me.

Watch it ppl! You fucking have to!



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