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Friday, Nov. 26, 2004 - 12:00 PM

They say bad things happen in 3's.

I'm 2 down. What will be #3?

I just got an email. It seems my sons drum teacher is dropping him. She says he stresses out too much, and is biligerent to her about what he wants to play. I however find it amusing that this comes not 2 weeks after I had to go in and tell her he was bored, and wanted to learn to piece things together to compose his own beats. She apparently just wanted to feed him lines of shit to repeat. As for biligerent? She is taking education in university. She wants to be a teacher, to teach small kids. But she doesn't command any authority, she just tries to befriend. Well, kids need solid rules. They need to be put in their place. They don't need another friend that costs over $600 a year! So, out of nowhere she just drops him, and now he is gonna be crushed by it. I'm gonna have to keep him ontop of practicing. He is now on a waiting list for another teacher. There is only 1 other drum instructor at this place, and there are 5 ppl infront of my son. I fucking hope they can get him in.
What a fucking load of bullshit! Ditch my son because he wants a challenge, and gets frustrated that she is lazy? I'm not even gonna reply to her, I am beyond fed up! I'll end up tearing her apart.

So as soon as I hang up the phone from getting satan on a waiting list, it rings. How lovely, it's the collection company riding my ass about my student loan. Oh how lovely for me. I have 1 week to try to sort shit out before they make me pay. Great.

2 down....what's #3 gonna be huh? Well, maybe I already had #3. I mean the stock actually cost me $25 more than I thought. I was quoted the price in US currency. So now I have alot less for food and shit I need.

I was happy and stress free. Now I am stressed to no end. I still have to go shopping in a few hours here. Ontop of that, Jay wants me to call her tonight, so she said in an email.....but chances are I won't even be here at all. I'll be in wally world, or somewhere like that.

I'm so fucking stressed out now. I can't deal with this shit! I am so fucking worried about how Satan is gonna react to it. Now that he has finally grown a love for playing, he hits a roadblock. It's gonna be some fancy footwork for me later I tell ya. I have to break the news, but make it took like an almost good thing.

Well, so much for my nap before shopping. I'm too fucking stressed now.

Well, I think now might be a good time for elephant.




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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
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