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~It figures~

Thursday, Nov. 11, 2004 - 12:23 AM

Some times it takes a voice of reason to snap you out of a mental cycle.

Thank you for words of wisdom kind sir. *wink*

Well, yet again no Jay. I got a quick email off her saying she was emailing while her mom was in the bathroom. It seems her mom got drunk as fuck tonight, and took over the computer, and wouldn't let her on. Her mom and bf have been fighting alot lately. I don't blame her mom for getting right fucked and chatting ppl up. I just more feel sorry for Jay than anything. And poor lil Skit. He has been trying to check his email and send me one for days, and he never gets a chance. He is stuck adding a couple of lines onto the end of Jays emails to me. My boy has got to be going nuts without me. Especially since he started going to school again. The poor guy. Well, Monday is coming soon. My dad is already talking about the 4 of us going to BP's sometime soon. (Thats a restaraunt called Boston Pizza to anyone who doesn't know) he he

My fucking father is beside himself. He likes to bitch and rant about lies Jay has told me in the past, but deep down he loves her to death. He is so confused because I just shrug off lies saying "There are special circumstances in this relationship you don't understand. Don't worry about it. I'm not." He just goes nuts, then eventually shrugs it all off. He is hilarious when he is confused. Like a fucking bear in a mini skirt I swear. lol

So, in all my manipulative glory I have been emailing Jays mom. Jay made a comment in her email tonight that whatever I am doing to her mom, to keep doing it because right now I can do no wrong. lol I am such a shit. I told my mom what I am doing. As I posted in here before, I did that big email to her mom after her mom asked me if I wanted Jay back. Well, I waited a few days after getting all the flight details, then sat down and did an email of thanks. Not only did I gush with thank you's, but I went on about my health and how much I need Jay here, and wrapped it up in a nice package by going on and on about how much I love Jay, and how I can't live without her...yadda yadda and so on.

Hey man, it's her mom. I know if I lay it on thick she will get all sappy, and then treat Jay better. Plus it makes her feel better about spending the money on the flight. And gets her a lil more generous when it comes to giving Jay some cash. he he

That's what sets Jay and I apart from most ppl. Alot of the things we do pertaining to those in England involve the gain of some sort of profit. Much like the stealing of her dads credit card details in 2001. lol We do what we do as a team. We are selfish as a team, not as individuals. We can't enjoy things the same if the other person isn't involved. That's why shit as simple as her smoking a joint affects me like it does. She forgets about me, and leaves me behind. But she has been 100% clean for 1 year now. No pot or anything else. I am so fucking proud of her. I'm gonna have to do something special for her...or to her as the case may be. he he

I've been thinking. I think it's about time my lil masochist was punished again. I need to thoroughly work her over. I think she will need the stress relief when she returns. Separation is always so hard. And between that, her fractured foot, Tony jumping her a few times, going head first into a stinging nettle bush (he he), all the fighting bullshit she has been in the middle of with her mom, and every other frustration involved in her being it memories, or assholes. I think she is gonna come back here wound up tighter than a spring. As usual. So I think I am gonna tie her up, blind fold her, and work her over good.

Lady Ivy wants to play.

Oh yes.....good times the weekend before my birthday. And what a present it will be.




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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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