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~Just documenting~

Monday, Nov. 01, 2004 - 10:23 AM

Ok, for my own memory sake, I am going to do this.

Saturday I got an email.....

" hi there Amber, firstly i apologise for not e-mailing you back sooner, i've had a lot on my mind lately..... I also need to know, do you want Jay
back out there? She has been totally screwed up while she has been back home and says that all she wants is you, is that how you feel about her? sorry for asking you straight out, but i really need to know. I hope that all is well with you and Kristian, please e-mail back soon. Bye for now. Margaret


I get these emails from Jays mom everytime she is going to send Jay home to me. It's like she can't get it through her head that someone would want Jay. She is always trying to give me an out. Not that I need one. I do have the balls to walk, and nearly did again. But you see, Jay and I are odd. We can fight like siblings, and look like we hate eachother, but the minute someone says something about the other person, or challenges us, we team up like a pair of wolves and tear them apart. We can say and do what we want, but no one else can.

Now response....and Jay hasn't seen this yet.....

"Hi Margaret,

I find it amusing that every time she is out there, you ask me if I want her back. The question is the same, and the answer is always the same. Of course I do. The only worries I have, is that every time she goes there, she tells me she is doing, or has done things that turn out to be lies. I email alot, and ask questions, because I want to believe her, yet don't want to get my hopes up.
When she left here, I was under the understanding that she was to return on the 16th. It's now the 30th. She told me last time she had a visa to stay here, now she says she has applied. I just want to know if she did apply, why she didn't fly on the 16th like I was told she was going to, and of course, I will need to know if/when she is actually coming.
Contrary to how things usually look, we do get along wonderfully, and I do love her to bits. Separation is always hard on both of us, but the lies I hear every time is one of the major reason why things seem to fall apart when she isn't here. You know as well as I do, that she can't lie to your face. Needless to say, there is zero trust when she is there. I try to give her the benefit of the doubt, but dread every trip she takes home. In the end we both wind up falling apart and miserable.

Yes I want her back. I truly can't imagine life without her. Kristian cries every time she says she has a flight, but doesn't come. He sees her as part of the family, and heaven forbid anyone try to tell him otherwise. He is very protective of her., he wishes she could be his dad, or atleast a genetic parent to replace his useless dad. As for me? Well, it just isn't the same here without me tripping over her whenever I try to do anything, or stepping on her when I turn around. We are eachothers shadow. Not to mention with her there I never sleep. I sleep like the dead with her here, but when she is gone I suffer from extreme insomnia.

Basically I'll tell you the same thing I told my dad. Get used to it because she is going to be in my life for a very long time. She completes me in ways 90% of people can't understand.

Yes she is a handful, yes she can be a real pain in the rear, and yes she does get me into trouble alot. But, she has a heart of gold, and can manipulate me into getting what she wants because she is just too damn cute. lol

Of course I want her back. It isn't a question of if, it is a question of when. When is she coming?

I miss her, I love her, and I can't live without her. She is my sanity.

Please send her home.


So, that's plain enough right there. She wanted to know, so I told her.

Well......the next day I woke upto an email from Skit saying that Jays mom was crying the night before, and what did I say to her?

It seems she was so touched by my email that it brought her to tears, and then she sat Jay down and lectured her for a couple of hours on how she needs to treat me better as I deserve it, and she doesn't treat me well enough......blah blah blah.

So now I am about as confused as Jay is.

It's nice to be accepted and supported. But I mean SLOW DOWN WOMAN! Sheesh!

She went off on one about how Jay is shit and doesn't deserve me, and is lucky to have me. Hey now, I ain't no fucking angel. I'm a cynical bitch, but it's all good. I am what I am, and my bitch loves it about me. So who gives a fuck. Her opinion is the only one that I choose to have matter.

That's the story.

Now I need a nap. I'm wasted.




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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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