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~Snow job?~

Tuesday, May. 11, 2004 - 9:06 AM

So I have CNN on right now, and am watching the senate commitee question military dudes on this Iraq prisoner "scandal".

The first thing that comes to mind is "these guys could really use lessons in evasion from canadian politicians". You can see plainly that these guys are ducking and weaving. Whereas our politicians talk in circles so fast that they confuse the hell out of you and you forget what was asked in the first place.

Then this senator pipes up, and goes on a rant about how these prisoners have american blood on their hands, and we are worried about them? That ppl are outraged by how they are treated when americans are dying daily. blah blah blah. I was highly amused when he brought up a report from a major news paper that spoke of AK-47's being used against prisoners.....when the US military in Iraq don't even have AK-47's!

Man this is funny as fuck.

The US is forever trying to look like the good guy. They filter what their population sees so that they always look good. Well, my shit ain't filtered, and they aren't good guys. But you know what? Fuck Iraq! Those prisoners are getting what they deserve! Torture the fucks! Humiliate them!

Do you honestly think they would follow the geneva convention if they trapped americans????


The only problem I have with this Iraq shit, is that the US gov't didn't just nuke the fuckers and be done with it. Fuck democracy! They are brown animals! They will never be a democracy. It is above them.

Sound racist much?

Fuck ya!

I hate dune coons!



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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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