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Tuesday, May. 04, 2004 - 5:03 PM

I feel like fucking shit, and am beyond pissed off!

I emailed my mom today abot my son. My dad called up changing plans, so I had to change my email to my mom. She was at work, so I went into her acct. so I could delete my first email as it was pointless.

What do I see? An email from Jay. Hmmmm....that's odd, Jay never emails my mom. So I get curious and take a peek. Good thing I did.

The email was all about how we need to sort things out, and how much I miss my mom, but am just stubborn.


I do not want things as they were. I do not want to fix things, and I DO NOT miss her in the slightest!

I have never been so laid back and relaxed as I have since I blew off on her. I don't have to see her. I don't have to listen to her bitch. And I don't have to worry about if she is going to be in a bad mood and snippy or not.

I am fucking happy as fuck without her. It took me 21 fucking years to get the balls to write her off! I am happy! I am not going to give up not feeling guilty because I can feed my son, or obligated to spend my fucking welfare cheque on her lazy ass!

Jay doesn't know fuck all about any of this. She never asks. Her calls and emails are all about her, and her probs. She asks how I am I automatically answer with "fine" then she says "good" and goes off on herself. She used to pay attention to me, and realize fine meant that I had shit on my mind, but didn't know how to get into it.

Well, for months it has been all about her, mixed with all the bullshit stories, and crap she puts me through.

She was warned today, both in email, and over a 2 min phone convo. If she tries to get involved in MY business with MY mom again, then she won't be welcome here. She says "Hey watch it! I may be here, but I am still your other half!"

How do I answer that?

"Then start acting like it!"

Nosing around in shit you don't know a fucking thing about because you never ask, bullshitting about flights and money. and over all acting like you could give a fuck is not acting like my other half.

Talking about yourself, and not bothering with how I am feeling, then in the end saying a quick "I love you" that is less than believeable is not acting like my other half.

Personally.....I have been hearing "I swear", "I promise", "Trust me please I fucking swear to you on my son that this time is for real".......yet after all that, she still doesn't get on those supposed flights.

I don't believe her anymore, nor do I feel the need to talk to her anymore.

After the shit she pulled with this email.....I question if she even knows me, and if I even want her back.

She has promised too many times. Her word isn't worth shit to me.

I'm fed up!



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