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~Way way WAY too fucking funny!~

Saturday, Apr. 17, 2004 - 10:57 PM

Have you ever had one of these?

I get a PM from some broad. I openly insult her, and she is so fucking slow, that it all goes over her head!

Read this!

juniornet1: Hello, this is Michelle 23, how are you?

ivy_tepes: fine

juniornet1: who is your pet?

ivy_tepes: why?

juniornet1: Just wondering, it was on your profile

ivy_tepes: Well, I see no reason why you need that info. All you need to know is I have one.

juniornet1: a human pet?

ivy_tepes: yes

juniornet1: You mean husband?

juniornet1: girlfriend?

ivy_tepes: A pet

juniornet1: I guess Im confused by that term and what you mean, Im sorrry

ivy_tepes: Perhaps you should look up the meaning of bdsm

juniornet1: I know what that is

ivy_tepes: Then you know what a pet is

ivy_tepes: It isn't rocket science

juniornet1: Thats a sub?

juniornet1: Your a Domme then?

ivy_tepes: What do you think?

juniornet1: I think you are

ivy_tepes: Look at my profile.

ivy_tepes: What does it look like?

juniornet1: It looks like you are very doome

ivy_tepes: You are from the states aren't you?

juniornet1: yes

ivy_tepes: southeastern states is my guess

juniornet1: no, mid eastern

ivy_tepes: still eastern

juniornet1: yes

ivy_tepes: That doesn't suprise me

juniornet1: Ok

ivy_tepes: Were you born this thick? Or is it something in the air in that part of the country

ivy_tepes: ??

juniornet1: I guess I was born this thick

ivy_tepes: ahhh

ivy_tepes: I see

juniornet1: ok

juniornet1: You I notice are very authoritive

juniornet1: I can tell by the way you say things

ivy_tepes: More like superior

juniornet1: I suppose

ivy_tepes: Or would it be educated?

juniornet1: both

juniornet1: Im sure you are superior and educated,

ivy_tepes: compared to you?

juniornet1: yes obviusly you are

ivy_tepes: apparently

juniornet1: I dont mean to be inferior, i cant help it

ivy_tepes: welcome to the majority in the eastern states

juniornet1: ok,

juniornet1: You make me think your the bos

ivy_tepes: Thats just intelligence making you feel inferior

juniornet1: i know that and my feelings


Good god. Is the american educational system really that bad? Because most americans I meet from the eastern states are slow, and stupid! Sure, brits are illiterate by our standards, but they understand if you make fun of them to their face!

WTF is going on south of the border????????

I started out thinking it was funny, now I find it sad. Teach your kids how to use a gun, but not how to think. What the fuck?

It is seriously starting to scare me living above these backwards trailer park breeds.

No wonder the country is fucked up, and ppl are killing eachother in record numbers. The money goes into the military, and everything else, like education, gets the shaft.

It is so fucking sad.

Ah well.

I'm in canada. And my son has more intelligence than this twink does. And he is only 8!

Thats pretty bad.



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