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Friday, Apr. 16, 2004 - 1:50 PM

Okay.....where do I begin.

Jay confused the fuck out of me.

I asked her...well....begged her to get a hood piercing a couple of days ago. She said something like "I do!" I said "You do?" She said "ya!" but never went into it at all. Of course, that struck me as "I do want one" but I wasn't sure. Then she comments that she answered me in an email. When she went offline, I checked email and her email said it was a piercing she has wanted for ages, and ended with "Enjoy!". This of course confused me.

What goes through ambers mind? "Nah she didn't. Did she? But she wouldn't trust anyone enough to do it would she? I mean it's her bits, and a guy. Nah! she wouldn't. She would need me there for it. We'll just go to Aaron".

How wrong was I?

I finally remembered to ask her about it today in an email. I kept forgetting to bring it up. But as I was doing up an email, I remembered and pointed out what I thought were hints, and what was causing all the confusion.

I just have to post the reply. Here it is......

the hood peircing, holy fuck fuck fuck fuck. i was hoping yopu hadn't noticed me saying shit because i relised not long after i sent the email that i had in actual faCT ruined the suprise. i had it peirced as a suprise coming home prez when i saw you. i had it done hmmmmmmmmmmm 3 weeks ago by my uncle. ok this is is going to seem all confusing. when family were coming up for my mum i found out that one of my unles was a peircist. i oooohed and aaahed and i asked how long he'd be doing it etc well he told me he does extreme peircings and i mentioned, a hood peircing and he said sure np i'd just have to go to ghis shop, the very next day i travelled up to luton (1 hr away) and had it done, he was very professional and covered me up as much as possible so i was comfy, i was really impressed. it is very sensitive and it has had me all arousded and very needy of you and your tongue! lol baby i just love you, i just wanted you to know that i had it, yes and it is for you. SUPRISE! maybe the email made no sense and i told you because a kid was trying to tell you it??? i don't know. so no worries baby, it wasn;t some random peircist that did it. and i was very covered up too. this was one of the pics i wanted to show you when i got the pc up and running. god i hope you're not disgusted by it, it looks, if i say-very sexy, on you this wopuld blow my mind! put it that way!



Bit of a shock, atleast it was done by family. The only thing healed is it? I would hate for it to not be completely healed when she gets here. The last thing I want is a mouth full of chez when I chew on her. But OH MAN!


What can I say?

Well actually I don't know what to say. Kinda speechless here. Well, that and dumbfounded.


Fuck am I spoiled!

For those who haven't seen one before, this is a pic I found of one.

Now....that is an ugly pussy mind you. I wouldn't touch that nasty assed thing. But I deleted the nice pic I had sent Jay when I was begging. Now I just have to work on getting her nipples done, and a lil bitta tattooing to accent her body. I will turn her into a piece of art yet! lol

Well, there you go.

Ain't I just a lucky bitch?

Fuck me!

She got it pierced!




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