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~My rabbit is an idiot!~

Thursday, Mar. 11, 2004 - 11:53 PM

So Zepplin has now proven he thinks he's a dog.

I sat down with him on the couch and he started doing his bouncing around, spinning in circles thing he does. He plays like a demented puppy on speed.

He was being all retarded...running to one end of the couch, then spinning around running at me, bouncing a foot in the air and landing on me. Then he would turn around and do it again. He did this about 8 times before he decided to lay down next to me to chew on my shirt.

Now Satan was laughing his ass off at the shit, because he then started to run around and head butt me. Yes, my rabbit runs at me, skids, and head butt's me. Over and over and over........

Jay cursed me with a rabbit that thinks he is a dog. He will decide he wants attention, and will hop in my lap and lay down. Earlier today he had no food and was hungry. He was glued to the side of his cage on his hind legs. I looked at him and said "what?" he picked up his dish and banged it. I said "well, what do you want?" He picked the dish up and threw it. Do you think he was trying to tell me something? lol

He runs in circles and sends his cage bouncing when he wants out, greets me in the morning. Follows me around when I have him out, and if I do dishes, he has this odd thing with running across my feet over and over. He tends to be glued to my side, and has no fear at all. He's just mine. If I hold him he has to be up on my shoulder holding on with his front claws looking behind me. But when he does that, he lets his hind legs just hang. That rabbit trusts me so much that I can do nothing wrong. lol

Of course nibbler still tries to gnaw my face off, frankie is still stupid, and foos still acts like an old man shuffling along behind the others. Oh, and zepplin still wants nowt to do with the other boys. He snubs them. He would rather play with me......aren't I special?

Next month I hear if frankie is going to a new home. It looks as if he just might. I guess we will see. He doesn't fit in, and needs more attention than he is getting. He needs someone who can do 1 on 1 with him. He can't be happy here. So, he may be going to a new home with a woman who just lost her pet hedgehog. I guess we will see in april.

Well, thats about that really. Tomorrow we go out to dinner with my dad, and saturday Jay arrives at 6:05. Atleast she gave herself 2 hours in calgary this time. The first flight was a total of 40 min between flights. There is no way she could go through customs and immigration get her luggage, and get checked in, and on a connecting flight in that time. She was on glue thinking she could.

On a happy note though, it looks as if she may have sold one of her houses. We find out tomorrow after her moms funeral.

Which reminds me, the death of her mother has made things unstable, and opened the proverbial flood gates. Jay was all confused how her dad could die, but her system was fine, yet her mom goes, and suddenly really fucked up alters start to come out. I told her that it was because when her dad died, there was still a major abuser around. Now that both are dead, there is a feeling of safety and freedom that will bring the rest out.

A new guy came out wth the death, and he is one of the most messed. He only eats dog food, and refuses anything else. He attacked Jay today because she said no to him eating the dog food. He freaked on her for it. In the end she straightened it out, and got a truce with him. I have yet to speak to him. I think unless he approaches me first, I will leave it until I can do it in person.

Oh, and for those with alters.....Luncheon went on a running rampage with toilet paper today. He covered Jays house with it. lmao!

I thought that was great.

well, I am wasted, I want sleep, but Jay is due to be online in an hour and a half. I would say fuck it and go, but today is the funeral. infact the funeral is in just over 3 hours. So, I'll stay up to give her a boost of support before she has to go and deal with all that shit. The kids promised me that they would be good, and stay quiet for her. For that one, I am going to take them all for poutine when they get here. That is basically one of their absolute fave foods after all, and they will have earned every bit of it.

Well, Neopets beckons....




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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