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~Giving in~

Monday, Oct. 27, 2003 - 11:15 PM

Ok, well I'm now taking an ativan as I type this.

Watching the news, checking out the flu bullshit. I am basically fine. They say that this flu spreads fast, and hits suddenly. I'm getting a shot, I'm gonna be ok....nothing to worry about right?

No, not right.

They just said that 85% of the people in the city who are suffering with this shit, are children. Well, fuck am I off on one. I am tripping so bad that my body has lit up in the notorious burn of an MS attack for the first time in weeks,

I just can't handle my son being sick. I wind up not sleeping, constantly freaking, and stressed out of my skull. Being alone and dealing with this magnifies everything by 10x.

So I emailed my dad. Kids can get flu shots, I want satan to get one. It will help me relax. I worry about him so much. My boy is everything to me. He is my pride and joy. He is all that I've got anymore. I want him safe, and not deathly ill.

He decided that this evening was our evening, and he hung out with me all night. He was upset that he really couldn't help me when I put halloween lights up in our windows. I told him that he was too short. The poor guy. But while I did it, he held a rabbit, and talked my ear off.

Thank god. The ativan is starting to kick in. I hate this shit. Sometimes I really hate living in canada. But I'd rather be here worrying about a cough and fever, than be in the UK in a dead panic about meningitis season.

As I go full circle, and think about the flu here. They say it starts in the west, and moves east across the country. The guys in the UofA say it is peaking right now, and will drop off now. Thats a positive thing, considering I haven't seen anyone sick around here, and I just found out about it. So I found out as it's ending basically. So thats good.

Fuck! They were just talking about Diana's butler, and his rag of a book on the news. I have to laugh. Every canadian interviewed said the book was tabloid trash, and they weren't interested. I have to admit, I am a hardcore royalist, and the book doesn't interest me at all. I don't care what she did or said. She was a wonderful person, thats all I need to know. Let her rest in peace already. I hope William punches the cunt out one day. I would cheer.

Fuck man......chick cops are hot! I gotta get me one. They were showing a murder scene from today, and this blonde walked by. DAMN! Amber's on the prowl again!!! LOL

Just a note here to document for myself....My ex Ian is coming into town on the 20th of Nov. We are trying to arrange time for us to go watch some stand up comedy for our birthdays. His is the 22nd, mine is the 23rd. So because he is gonna be in town, we are gonna try to hook up, and be assholes together. It will be fun. I hope we can. I miss the dolt. lol

Shit! I really need to start saving cash up. I send off the last 2 money orders tomorrow, then I am avoiding ebay until after xmas. But I think I need to open a new bank acct. I really need a few hundred on hand. The Juno awards are here next year, and I want to go. I am guessing the tix will be near $200 each. But I want to get in, even if I have to camp out for tix. I want to see an award show. Not to mention a bunch of good bands play live. Of course the city itself will be one big party for a week, I wanna be in there. I ain't in a wheelchair yet, so I wanna do what I can now. I know I'll end up in one of those bloody things. But, I guess I have accepted it. Now I look forward to getting a cane. I need one now actually. But I want one thats almost gothic. Log and black, with a silver ball on the end as a handle. I fucking love those! So ya, before I am totally fucked, I want to party it up with the locals here. Fuck my fears! I wanna have fun!

Oh ya, I got satan to try on his costume tonight. It will fit him for 2 years. But damn is it nice! He loves it! Which reminds me, I told my dad that my mom was thinking about being stingy this year and not buying candy for the kids. Fuck is he pissed! He bought her a special sound effects cd, and it's a good one. She acted all excited about it, but now is trying to be cheap. He thinks she is nothing but an ungrateful bitch. I agree.

Well, aren't I all chatty tonight. I am gonna crash now though. The ativan has fully kicked in, and I am off on a yawning tangent now.

Sleepy time!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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