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~I'm a brat!~

Monday, Oct. 27, 2003 - 3:35 PM

So ya, I spent the afternoon with my dad today.

We went and paid for satans school pix, then went to the almighty wally world for my dad to get satan a birthday prez. We got him some jeans, a new belt, and a kickass ghostrider toy. It was cool. Then I went to check the price on the bionicle movie, as thats what satan wants from me for his birthday. I found it after searching, then my dad drags me into the dvd section. He had to look for American History X. He wants it from me for xmas, and is all excited. He is like a kid. They didn't have it, he got bummed. I said not to worry as I can find it. It's a cult film, and I know where to look for it. (and I already did find it when I got home)

So we are yapping about diff movies and he points out "Bowling For Columbine" Well shit! That set me off! I got all whiny, and pouty, and said " know I have a birthday coming sooooooooonnnn......" He is such a nice guy, he rolled his eyes at me, said "yeah right" and laughed at me. He's decided he is just gonna lend it to me instead. Geez, thanks dad. *rolls eyes*

So he found the second box set in a series he absolutely loves, and was complaining when he was buying it, that he was spending too much money. The dvd set was $50....but he HAD to have it. Then I got to hear him bitch about how this "getting paid once bullshit is just that...BULLSHIT!" My poor dad. I'd feel sorry for him, but it's too much fun laughing at him.

So he just called me up, I told him I found the dvd, he starts to back pedal, and goes on about how he doesn't want me to waste my money on him. So I snap! "Lookit okay? You are gonna get what I bloody get you for xmas, so just shut up and like it already!" He laughed. Yep....he's a shithead!

So tomorrow my mom is dragging my sorry ass around, then weds I get a flu shot. Thursday I pray for a moments peace while I bake halloween sugar cookies, and make jell-o jigglers for satans class. Then friday I get run off my feet, saturday I can't even sleep in....and sunday is satans b-day party.

I can't wait until this bloody week is over!

But I can wait forever for my 28th birthday......

Damn I'm getting old!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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