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~Am I rambling again?~

Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2003 - 11:06 PM

As I pause to watch Pam and Tommy Lee on the red carpet.....ahhh, Gotta love entertainment tonight.

Well, it's been an odd day. I'm seriously bothered, and really worried. Satan finally figured out, that when Jay said to him on the phone last weekend, that she might be coming in the middle of next week...well, that mean this week. He has been tripping right out since. It's all he could talk about, and he has been happy and bouncy. He was showing signs of depression last week, and even asked me not to say her name because it made him sad. He misses her like crazy. I am sure you can see my worry, especially considering her track record.

I tried to tell him that he shouldn't get his hopes up, as we don't know for sure yet, and I won't until I get a call from the almighty cow town (calgary). But thats like trying to tell a kid not to think about santa on xmas eve. It just ain't gonna happen. I looked in on him after he was asleep, and my heart nearly broke. He fell asleep with his fingers crossed. I am really worried that he is gonna be let down. All I can do is keep telling him it isn't guaranteed. But this is satan. Jays word is the word of god herself. Ain't nothing going to convince him otherwise. She can do no wrong. No matter what, she is everything to him.

Christ. She mentioned that she has been collecting yu-gi-oh cards for him, and her kids. Well shit! Now he is going on and on about dueling the kids. His latest is he hopes they will duel with him on his birthday. I am interested to hear who he wants arounf for xmas. Last year satan asked for Dog to come back out. He usually gets a few favorites, and wants them to celebrate with us. He just plain loves her kids. He also doesn't believe she could do anything wrong. If she is screaming at me, he thinks it's JC or Jonjo. He won't ever think it's her. He loves her unconditionally, and completely. I sure hope she doesn't let him down. He gets that from his dad, he doesn't need it from her too.

Ugh! Stress!

So I haven't seen Geoff for almost a month now. Haven't heard from him for about 2 weeks. He has a bitch to fuck, so he doesn't need me around anymore. He's a cunt. I'll leave it at that.

So today is my brothers 31st birthday. I called my mom up to see if she had heard from him.I got bullshit, attitude, and swearing in reply. So I said "See? This shit is the reason he isn't around" and she hung up on me. Heaven forbid she should do something wrong. So, fuck her. If it wasn't for Satan, I sure as fuck would have fucked her off too. I hate how she treats everyone around her. I hate how she treats Satan and I. I fucking hate her, have all my life. She lost me the day she jumped on me and started punching me in the head. I was 13......I wonder why I used to live in a bottle.

But enough of that.

Friday is Cheryls wedding. Fuck knows what I am gonna do. I am supposed to be putting together a gift. But I don't have the cash for it, and if Jay doesn't show, I won't. I hate living like this.

So Disney is releasing a new movie called "Brother Bear". It is based in the Alberta Rockies....they are 4-5 hours south west of me. Talk about fucked up. Rick Moranis, and Dave Thomas were in Edmontonlast year. Apparently not only were the filming more Bob and Doucg Mackenzie shows, but they were also doing the sound for the film too. Wether or not thats accurate I don't know. But the 2 of them play the 2 moose in the movie. Canadian stereotypes and all. lol

Well, I am wasted. I'm gonna do a lil Neopets, then head off to bed.



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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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