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Friday, Oct. 10, 2003 - 11:07 PM

So, had a 2 hour phone convo tonight.

It was colorful. I slipped into my new yorker mode, where I get so evil I don the accent (not on purpose) and start uttering death threats, and every second, third, and fourth word is fuck, or a derivitave of the word fuck. No, I'm not a happy camper. Not one bit. I have too much shit going on in my life, and my body, to have to put up with this too. I also don't appreciate this drug use being blamed on me. It isn't my fault that she can't talk to me. It isn't my fault she isn't here, and it sure as hell isn't my fucking fault she misses me.

She got basically 2 hours of nonstop lecturing from me.

J-"I couldn't get a card to call you"

A-"so, rather than doing drugs at tonys, use his phone to call me"

J-"I can't do that, he lives with his parents"

A-"so fucking what! They are the dumb assholes leaving him home alone to do fucking drugs with friends. Thats their fucking problem not yours! He is such a dumb fuck anyway! Fuck him! You need me, fucking use his phone to fucking call, don't fucking use fucking drugs! Ya, thats smart. Get high instead of calling me!"

That pissed me off. Then I found out she was smoking up a couple of 15 yr olds. Ya brilliant you dumb fuck! Of course the night before last she talked tony into shooting Heroin, and he OD'd and was rushed to the hospital. Uh huh....very smart. And I want this person in my house alone with my son why?!? Ya wonderful thought. I don't trust her at all. Not even with touching me. Why the fuck would I ever want her near my pride and joy, or even under my roof at all? Why the fuck does she deserve to be a part of my life.

"It's just pot, I don't even consider that a drug"

And death is just a speed bump in life. Ya sure. Fuck whatever!

It may only be pot you dumb fuck, but you are a heroin addict. You always will be a heroin addict. You may start on small shit, but you aren't having 1 - 2 joints a, in one fucking day you did 3 ounces to yourself! I know hardcore pot smokers who can't handle more than 3 grams a day! That is a wee bit excessive.....don't you fucking think? Do you ever think? Do you know what thinking is? Do you have a brain at all?

And who the fuck do you think you are? You dictate I am not allowed to do drugs, drink, or I have zero release. But you can do whatever the fuck you want? I don't fucking think so! Not fucking at all! I will do whatever the fuck I want, when I want, and how I want. If you can fuck off and do shit after promising me you'll never do drugs again, then change it and say "I meant hard drugs" Then guess what bitch. I promise never to try to kill myself....quickly. Fuck you!

Who the fuck are you to have ppl I don't know in my fucking house. Let alone children you sick fuck!!! THEY ARE 15! THEY ARE FUCKING CHILDREN!!! YOU ARE A SICK FUCKING WHORE!

Why the fuck should I ever let you near me again? I don't even know you anymore. Yet when I start to talk of this I get "I don't want to hear it. I don't want to know".

Well, how about you just don't know me anymore.

I can't trust you.

I can't believe you.

I can't be touched by you.

I can't even remember why the fuck I wanted you here in the first place.

You make me sick!

You fucking disgust every ounce of my being!

Go to hell!

You can fucking rot!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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