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~Mental as fuck~

Saturday, Oct. 11, 2003 - 2:56 AM

I am worse than a rabid fucking pitbull.

So about 45 min ago Jay calls me up. She phone scared the shit out of me, but I was happy to hear her voice. I had mellowed out quite a bit, and was pretty relaxed. She starts chatting away, and whining about her nose being dry. No problem.

Then she starts on the stories of being hih, how fucked up she was, and so on. I sat and said nothing. I went silent. I felt the anger explode in me, and I wanted to kill her, and anyone she is friends with. I want them all fucking dead. She told me she had to go, and I went straight for her throat, and took a chunk out of it.

Now I am so pissed off IU'll be up until 10am atleast.

The only amusing part was that 2 hourts ago that pretty boy faggot, old nigger tobacco himself called up Jay to accuse her of not giving him straight up heroin. Poor baby has been sick for days, shits, puking, the whole nine yards. Ummm hello? What the fuck do you think heroin does fuckwad? I hope it fucking kills him. I hope he fucking dies. I hope he rots in his own filth, and slowly deteriorates. Jay apparently told him she can't see him anymore because she has shit to think about.

Why not tell the truth.

"I have a family, and can't drop to your level with your nigger tobacco anymore. I need to grow up, and personally, I think my family is more important than you."

But of course, she is a fucking pussy, and doesn't have the balls to say it. And then she complains that she did that in the first place. I say it doesn't fucking matter, she says it does. Why Jay? Because you have no one to get fucked with? Why don't you just fuck him? You are practically crawling up his ass now anyway.

Spineless fucking useless cunt!

Glad to know I'm second inpriorities.

Fuck you.

Fuck you, your faggot girls, and your nigger tobacco.

Fuck you all.

Fuck this, I am too pissed off to type, I'm gonna go play with a razor blade. Atleast it fucking loves me, atleast it makes me feel good.

It's all I have now.



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