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~Over and out?~

Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2003 - 8:05 PM

Well, I do believe things are done for good.

I heard nothing for a day, then emails of goodbye. Of course I led her to believe something untrue to get her to show her face and talk to me.

She has been avoiding me, and coming online, but not emailing me, or talking to me. So, I got upset, and said in an email that I had sent an email to a guy that runs a crue site, a guy who knows nikki. I said that in the email I said who she really was, and that she was impersonating nikki. I still don have the proof, but all she seems to understand are lies. Hell, thats all I ever get hit with anymore. I mean, how can you believe someone when they say they love you, when a moment before they lied about things you hold dear to your heart, thus they stab a knife through your heart? I don't believe her anymore, I can't.

So I sent an email to draw her out, and she freaked like I knew she would. But she didn't spaz, instead she called me a fuck, a nark, a wanker, and an assortment of amusing british slang terms. Then she ended it all with telling me I went to far, and goodbye, and even signed it "claire".

Now, not only am I not surprised by this, but I don't really care. If she really does go, then I will feel nothing but relief. You see, this all started by me snooping in her email, and seeing her tell a guy she was sending him money for some crue shit. You see, the money is to be sent tomorrow, yet she is to be on a plane at 10am. At the airport at 8am, and shit there opens at 8-9am. Now how exactly is she to do that? Not to mention, why would she send for shit if she won't be home to get it. Easy.....she will be home to get it, because she isn't flying, and is trying to fuck with my head again. So I freaked.

Well, as far as I know it's done, finished, over, ended.

I am more worried about an old friend of the family who is due to pop over in a little bit here. You see, he is off on Sunday for a 6 month tour in Bosnia. His wife recently left him, he is falling apart, and he is going into hostile territory. I wonder if he will be coming back, or if he has plans to stay there forever....if you know what I mean.

This man was the one who defended my brother and I when my dad bad-mouthed us. This guy has been a cop, a fireman, and a cop again, the whole time being in the military. He has been in the military for 30 years, and is now off for a 6 month tour. I wish him well, and hope we get him back.

No, I don't really care if she goes. Maybe I'll stop getting so sick from stress?



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