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Saturday, Sept. 06, 2003 - 3:17 PM

Welcome to life, I hope you enjoy your stay.


Let me take this time to say, being really growly, and having dead batteries sucks. Although it is my lot in life.

So ya, I have come to the conclusion that I love to fight. And I mean really fight! Serious all out wars. Where you attack your partner with a verbal onslaught, and they attack you. And you hit eachother with shit that really fucking hurts, and try to verbally destroy eachother.

Where you hurt so bad you freak out, and hysterically cry. Where a break up is imminent, and you can't be around them anymore because you will kill them. Literally WW3.

Now some ppl may think that I am fucked up for liking that. But I like the release of being attacked, and letting go with tears. I like the thrill of making someone cry and beg. I like the destruction of it all. By the end of it, you have no stress. No pain. No nothing. You go numb, and then relax, and all is forgotten.

It's odd. It's like you swallow everything as the weeks go by, and it all comes out in an explosion. Every single thing that nags your nerve, all annoyances, all bitterness from actions. It all gets cleansed.

And the best part........fuck does it turn me on.

I am a fucking raging hornball.......with dead batteries of course.


And having MS damage......well, dead batteries means no hope in hell of getting any release at all. I am sure I have some ex's that will love the idea of that. I on the other hand.....THINK IT SUCKS!

So ya, today I am not acting 12. I am not whining about wanting someone who doesn't want me. Or being depressed. Or not being loved. Or even feeling suicidal and wanting to end it all.

Nope, not at all.

Today's complaint is DEAD FUCKING BATTERIES!!!!!!!!!!!

But on a happy note, I think the sex toy party is next month, and the girl throwing it has offered to get me a warehouse pack of batteries from Costco for like $15.

Not that it helps me any right now.

And I don't even have any chocolate to help me out either.


Oh, what I wouldn't give for one day of going back to before the MS fired up. All I did was fuck, or think about it. Several times a day, every day, bleeding or not. It didn't matter. I did that for years. Then we come to now. 90% of the time I have sex on my mind, but no response from my body. The 10% of the time that I can feel turned on, 30% of that time I can get off. So out of my life, I can successfully have sex 3% of the time.


And ppl wonder why I get suicidal. Imagine never being able to have sex.

Good thing I'm not with a guy. He would try to fuck me, and I would cut his nuts off.

Well, I may not be able to do much anymore. But what I wouldn't give to have a nice sloppy pussy grinding on my face right now.


I'm gonna go pout now.



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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