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~Fuck am I bored.~

Monday, Jul. 21, 2003 - 3:39 PM

So the Jenn cunt showed up with yet another id on diaryland. I pointed it out to Jay, she fired off an email to this chick, she replied, Jay ran the ip....and yep, it's her. *sigh*

She seems to be singling out a friend of mine, and trying to side(?) with her. That has me confused. This woman is a freak. I mean she is showing ocd over the group of us online. It's scary as hell that I like a 16 hour drive from her. (The drive would be less if we didn't have to cut through the mountains).

Is it necessary to stalk someone? To follow them? To try to be something you aren't just to be them?

Why are these people allowed out in the world? These predators who feast on the pain of others.

Oh ya, I know I could be seen as one. But I drop shit after I attack. I just want to be left alone by them after that. It's like I say my piece, then just choose to forget it. I find for the most part, I will attack whoever threatens those close to me. No one is a threat to me personally. I would have to be hiding something, which I am not.

You know...I'm just babbling. I'm tired as I didn't sleep well last night.

I might as well end this here. I mean, I really ain't saying much of anything anyway.

I see my Neurologist tomorrow, to see if I have any more MS damage. I can't cope with alot right now, so I booked an appt with my shrink for next week. He only had 30 min for me. But I will take whatever I can get right now. It has been 2 months. 2 horrible months full of a rollercoaster of emotions, lies, and self destructive behavior. It makes me wonder why I never see him when I need to, just when I get past it all. It's gonna be hard though. I swallowed alot of pain, and went mostly numb. Now I am going to have to yank that out, and dissect it. yay.

My shrink doesn't even help me with fuck all, but I still go to him. I think it all comes down to I don't really want help, but I go through the motions of it.

Oh well, so be it.

One day things will change.



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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