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Sunday, Jul. 20, 2003 - 12:24 AM

Well shit.

I was talking to Jay, and having a good old chat, and I got offline to eat. Geoff showed up, and the 3 of us hit McDicks. He sat there sipping on a shake, while satan and I ate. Poor guy is hung over from last night, and just fucked.

After we ate, we went to his place. He got K wanting to go, so I couldn't say no. We got to his, it was hot there, and I was bored. I bitched at him about this poor plant he has that was dying because it needed to be transplanted, and he finally broke. We went off to Wally world and got a new pot, and some dirt for the plant. I ran off to the electronics, and bought myself OLP's live album. I had to. It was recorded here, and cow town, and frogville. Yes Edmonton, Calgary, and montreal. So ya. Supermans dead has him asking the Edmonton crowd to sing. I was all chuffed off of that one. yehaw!

So we got to his, he tried playing with K, and just ended up hurting him alot. My son isn't into sports, he uses his mind more. So everything hurts him, and every 2 seconds he was crying. I felt bad when Geoff shot a ball at him with a hockey stick. He nailed K in the arm, and he has a huge welt, and a massive bruise. Fuck did that kid scream. Geoff just laughed, then later told me my kid is too sensitive. I told him he is better like this because he isn't a little asshole. Dig at him for his kids much? I think so. Eye for an eye asshole.

So ya, then we came home, hours after I wanted to mind you. I wanted to get back online to Jay, but she of course was long gone. Oh well. I was fearing her wrath anyway. My little PMS Pitbull has a bit of a temper at times.

It seems little Jenn(ifer) has reared her ugly man head again. Her IP has popped up everywhere, and she is posing as another person, under another name. It was discovered today when I was singled out, and ostracized by a supposed multiple. Now after being considered a friend by 2, and being in a relationship with one for years, well, I kinda know how multiples are, what they go through on a daily basis, and the shit they have to put up with. I am probably the only person a multiple will meet who is not one, but understands. I also pride myself in being able to confuse, and thus shut up alters. Argue a point, and make it a good one, and they tend to not know what to say. Damn I love Alters. They rip my shit up. Much better than "normal" people. Alters atleast have a personality of their own. They aren't sheep.

So ya, the ugly impersonating bitch is back. Yay. I am going to tell Jay to lock up her new diary to get rid of the cunt. I filter what I say in here now, and there is no way to get to any older enteries anymore, so I'm not worried about me. But we know Melody is reading Jay, and it's preventing her from being open. So, I think it's time she locked it up. Get rid of all the assholes, and keep your shit to yourself. I'm sick of predators.

So Ya, Jay, when you read this, lock your shit up.

Other than that. I am gonna toddle around the net, and try to fix a marquee on Jays diary, then I think I am gonna go to bed and watch Shanghi Knights.

I'm off.



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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