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~Just wasted~

Saturday, Jul. 19, 2003 - 1:26 AM

Well, I got a firecracker up my ass, and took the boy to the exhibition today. Yup, we hit K-days.

Fuck am I tired. I can barely walk as it is, picture me walking down a midway, and standing around as my son goes on rides.

Oh ya, much fun. I have been headfucked all night. Not 10 min after we arrived, I got to see some nasty prairie nigger kid puke infront of me. Satan was on his first ride, and I was freaking and panicking all night after. I just hid it from the boy, and put him on everything he wanted to go on.

Then I got him mini donuts, and candy floss, and a corn dog. Not to mention a huge stick of rock candy, a yo-yo ball, and a cheap plastic sword that he thinks is the shit.

All in all, I really had fun with him. I was walking really slow, and kept having to sit down. But he was good. He was really patient with me, and listened really good, and was joking around and having fun with me. Near the ent of the night they had live bands playing on the Telus stage, and he got to see some of it, when he wasn't crawling around in military vehicles.

When we left, we actually got to see the fireworks. That really made the kid happy. We didn't get home until about 11:30pm, but it was still alot of fun. It's times like this, that I really cherish being a mom. It was just the 2 of us there alone. But he looked at me on the bus, smiled, and out of nowhere said "I had alot of fun, thanks for taking me mommy." That was amazing. I called my mom when I got home, and I couldn't get off the phone with her. She kept me on for about an hour. She figures he is extra happy about going, because he knows it's hard for me, but I took him anyway. That he didn't expect to go, and then I just took him out of nowhere. I have to admit she has a point there.

When we got home, he ran off for a shower, and I was still trying to get off the phone with my mom when he came down. He sat down, chatted with my mom for about 5min, then went up to bed. By the time I got up behind him, he was out cold. I quietly tucked him in, and turned on his night light. He is my little sweetheart. I have never in my life met another kid, that would slow down, and walk by my side, rather than bitching at me to hurry up. He was so good to me tonight. It made me insist on buying him treats. So I took him to buy a souvineir and gave him a choice of anything, and everything they had. He chose a cheap plastic sword for $5. I think I am gonna give him some money tomorrow. Why? Just for being him. Damn was he good. I want to cry by how well he treated me tonight, and how well he behaved.

We are sitting and waiting for a bus, when these 2 guys in their early 20's came and sat near us. They were going on and on. Every second word was fuck, and the entire convo was about slipping some chick they saw walk past $30, and paying her for them to fuck her ass. I was getting pissed. This convo is going on next to my 7 yr old son. What does satan do? He glared at them, then turned to me and said "Idiots are so annoying!". I just said "Ya, they are. You're right buddy". I looked away, and laughed to myself. Everyday he gets more like me. Cynical at 7. Could I ask for more?

I have to laugh though. My mom told him he couldn't spend the weekend at hers because he wasn't listening to her last weekend, and she made plans. But, he doesn't care. Not even in the slightest. This kid is glad to be home. He told her he wants to go next weekend, but he could care less about this weekend. This weekend it seems he wants to stay home, and is happy hanging with me. That makes me feel good. Usually friday comes, and he is counting the minutes to grandma arriving for him. Not today though. I think she pissed him off, because after taking us to wally world, she brought us home, and he wandered off. He didn't want to say bye to her. She dropped us, and he was done with her. All he cares about is when Jay is gonna come back. That and how much he hates this neighbourhood, and how he wants to move. Poor guy is getting harassed again. We have racist africans living near us, and the kids attack him, then mom blames him, and threatens him. Fucj man! If you are gonna be racist, and scream slurs, then do it in your own fucking country. not in mine!

So ya.

I'm tired, I think I need to shut this down, and pass out. No Geoff today, he is home getting drunk, and didn't even bother to try to call me. Ya thanks asshole. I know it's because I am putting up with Jays lies and bullshit. He is pissed at her for pulling all this shit, and is tired of seeing me upset. Now he backs off, and goes distant if she comes up in a convo. If she ever gets here, then he will go back to him. He has just lost respect for me. Much like all my other friends did before they fucked off out of my life. I wonder how long it will take for him to go?

It's funny how knowing her has destroyed alot of things. Me, my friendships, my relationships with family......I suppose one day I will have to reach a point where I ask myself if it's all worth the loss.

At this point in time I think it is. I mean the kids alone give me more than any friends ever did. Oh well. Fuck it! Too depressing. Just think of your son amber, and how sweet he is.

I'm over tired, and wavering mentally.

I'm going to bed.




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