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~A complicated conundrum~

Thursday, Jul. 17, 2003 - 1:34 AM

Well, I spent the night chatting to 2 diff multiples.

It figures you know. The world is full of assholes. Out of everyone who is friendly to me, these 2 came out of the shadows to talk to me about my situe, and make me feel better. And it worked too. So I want to thank them both for cheering me up, and making my night rather enjoyable. They know who they are, and they both know how much they kick ass too.

Well I attempted suicide by diabetic death tonight. It didn't work though. Just gave me a severe case of gut rot, the shakes, and now a good old burnout from the comedown. I swear I gained 20lbs, in 3 hours. It was well worth it though. So is the gut rot....well worth it. And well deserved I might add.

After all the shit, I have to admit I am worried about Jay. She was walking her dog tonight, and he just dropped. He died in her arms. He was 10 years old, and her best friend. When no one cared, he did. When no one understood, he did. And when she was broken, bleeding, and wanted to die, he was there to lick her face. He meant everything to her. Hell, I saw her fight with being here because she missed him so bad.

Her mom would call here to talk to her, and one of the first things she always said was "hows the dog?" she could care less about her family, only the dog. I don't know what she is gonna do without him. I mean she has nibbler, who is a rabbit that thinks he's a dog, but it isn't the same. It isn't Jake. She doesn't have the money to cremate him, and I wish she would ask Frank to pay for it. In my family, when a dog dies, you cremate them so that they are always with you. If I had the money, I would send it to her in a shot. It's harsh man. I have lost so many dogs in my life, that I understand completely. I am still not over Tyr.

But, now I do believe it is time for bed. I am tired. Today has been an emotional rollercoaster for me. I am glad it is over. I just want to sleep and forget it all.

On a side note. Geoff is being a prick. I don't know what crawled up his ass tonight, but the cunt can fuck off and die. I'm in no mood to put up with his fucking pms bullshit.

what a dickhead.

Well, I'm off.



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