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~What the fuck is going on??~

Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 - 1:53 AM

Okay......where to start.

Well, Jay got on her plane yesterday, flew all the way to Toronto, got to immigration, and realised her cards for her working visa, and landed immigrant status are in england, in her bedside table. Immigration refused to let her in the country, so she flew all the way back home. She was at home for about 2 hrs, and flew all the way back to Toronto. That is where she is sitting right now. Hopefully this time they let her through, and she will be in edmonton on the first flight out of Toronto. Which would mean she will be at my apt, at about noon MST....add 2 hrs for EST. Add 7 for GMT.

Good then.

Her mom has been off on this mad tangent of having to speak to me online every chance she gets. Thats kinda odd. She keeps saying shit like "Thank you for being with my daughter. You have done so much for her. She is so happy now." Umm...ok. No problem.

I was tracking Jays plane with a real time flight tracker online. I told her mom, and she went off on how romantic I am????? Good then....and you sniffed how much glue? This woman just goes on and on. She told me about every physical ailment Jay has, that I need to remember to take her to a hospital for her ribs. Then...get this....She told me to do something about Jays hair because she is complaining it's in her eyes. Ya. Well. I think ol' Mags is having separation anxiety. I reassured her that all would be fine, and she thanked me about 3 more times for being with Jay. She was calling her "my devil child" and so on. I told her Jay was nothing to handle. That she was fine. I think her mom doesn't believe me at all. Jay has a bad reputation in England, but here she is the opposite. Everyone loves her to death here.

So here I sit, knowing that in 4 hours and 45 min there is a good possibility Jay will be on a plane coming here. Ya....I'm nervous. But for a large array of reasons.

Right now I have one thing on my mind that is picking at me the most. It's a question I dread asking, and am scared to ask. But it needs to be asked. Circumstances being what they are. I can't ignore it, I need to ask 8 simple words.

"How do you know the needle was clean?"

She went her life testing negative. What if this causes a positive.

Mainline injected fear? Oh ya....thats what it did alright. She mainlined, and I got injected with fear. Thats tonights major stressor.

The only good thing to come out of this situation, is that I am designing a new tattoo for her in my head. Now I just need to find someone to put it on paper for me.

It's funny you know. So many people go on about how fucked their lives are, and how much their lives suck. Well, if you are one of these people, let me ask you this......

Have you ever been faced with your lover, someone who means everything to you, mainlining anything, thus causing the possibility fo testing HIV, or Hepatitis B or C positive?

Well, right now...that is what I am being faced with.

That, I can say with confidence, really fucking makes life suck.

There's a bullet in the chamber, and I am full of fear.



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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