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Wednesday, Jul. 02, 2003 - 3:37 PM

For anyone who was wondering.....the reason Frank wanted Jay in the office is.....

He has given her 2 tickets to see Our Lady Peace in Camrose AB On July 12th. With those tix, were 2 backstage passes. I laughed. He told her he has friends in Sony.....their company.

So there you go.

What did amber say?

"Umm Jay? How the hell are we gonna get there?"

"I don't know, but isn't it cool?"

Uhhh....ya. It's cool, but it would be better if I could actually go. Not to mention if I could go with someone who liked them as much as I do. Rather than someone going along to keep an eye on me, and glare at me if I happen to say hi to Raine.


Sometimes I really hate jealousy. They can treat you like fucking garbage, and if you try to get away they threaten to kill you. So, you are bound for eternity to be stuck in a dead end, with no happiness in your life. Nothing but being trapped, and prevented from living.

There you go.

I wonder if tomorrows flight it real or not?

My shrink hopes it is, I told him about the last ones.

I had to explain to my dad that she never made it here, and why. He reacted to it with a concern that was as weak as my excuses for her. I'm tired of trying to keep everyone else liking her when she fucks me over. I don't know why I do it. It's not like she is doing anything to makle herself look good. Nope. Everyones happy views of her, are because of my excuses. They would be disgusted if they knew half of the truth of the last month. I'm disgusted with myself for covering it up.

She keeps telling me how when touring/recording she is a spoiled brat. That she is demanding, and an asshole. That she will be that way to me too if I try to tell her no.

I don't know about her, but everytime she dictates to me about how she will act, I want to turn and walk away. I don't need this shit. Her actions are her choice. A fraction of maturity is all I ask. If I am going to be forced to deal with a spoiled asshole, then it will become only a job. I will NOT be with her at all. I will NOT let her be around my son, to teach him that and ruin him.

I would rather be lonely, then treated like shit by someone I am in a relationship with.....wait a minute! What am I talking about? I'm NOT in a relationship with her! I'm not bound to her in any way except for managing her. She pays me to put up with her shit!

Well......I want a fucking raise!



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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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