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~The saga continues...~

Friday, Jun. 20, 2003 - 12:44 AM

Can you believe it?

Connor actually called Jay, and asked her for my phone number! What a fucking dolt! I personally think she should have given it to him. I would love to hear the fear in his voice as I told him exactly how I was planning on torturing him, and destroying him. But Jay is over protective of me, and told him to get fucked.

But on an odd note.....check this out!

Bondage Bear
Bondage Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Isn't that the shit?

Look at me! I'm a bondage queen!

Fuck around. I can't do a fucking quiz without some fucking D&S thing popping up in it. Is someone trying to tell me something? Cause I would love to know what the fuck that is all about. I guess my past is just haunting me a bit here.

Now then.....what happens when you eat fuck all for days on end, then finally eat? Your body goes into a lovely state of complete shock! YAY! Complete with shakes, chills, and cramping. Gotta love being me. If/when Jay ever gets back here, and the fighting stops, I'll end up eating. You see, my son never wants what I do, and so I make him food, but see no point in cooking for just me. So if there isn't quick and easy food, I just don't eat at all. Well, unless my buddy Geoff grabs me, and we hit mc dicks for like a dozen cheese burgers. Now that is a trip. But when Jay is here, she whines and complains about being hungry, and can't cook worth shit. So I do all the cooking for her, and thus...I end up eating. No Jay = No Food.

Although, I'm getting used to going into shock, and it is quite fun after awhile. The anxiety attack is a fucking trip in itself. Yehaw!

So I was chatting to my neighbour today, and it ended up with me screaming at her. (JJ is gonna go off on this one) It seems that for the last 2 days a boy at her daughters school (catholic) has been "touching me on my privates". This woman said that the school said they sat him down with a teddybear, and showed him the difference between good touching, and bad touching. And that was it.

This woman says "If it happens again, I am gonna go down there". Ummm ya...ok then. JJ would you be sitting still if that happened to your girls? I think you would do what I was screaming at her.

"One fucking time is too fucking many. He did it twice! He didn't decide to do this, it has been done to him... he is too young to know what it is (6). The police should have been contacted, his parents should have been contacted, and social services should have been called in! What the fuck! You don't fucking wait for it to happen again! You fucking take care of it now! Get your fucking ass down to the school, and start screaming! FUCK! I'LL FUCKING GO WITH YOU! I'LL YELL AT THEM!"

That was the start of my lecture. This woman is a ditz. The girls dad was there, and he shrugged. Yesterday this little girl tried touching her moms "privates". You tell me it hasn't affected her already. These ppl shouldn't have a child....they are irresponsible, and naieve.

Fuck did that piss me off. Now anyone who is a parent knows better. But these assholes are saying "if it happens again I will do something". I couldn't fucking believe it. Now I am worried that this little girl is going to act it out, and go for my son. He plays with her all the time. So I am tripping out over it. I'll fucking get a gun, and slaughter the entire household if she does. Fucking lazy assholes!

Well, the stress from talking about that has given me a fucking headache, and indigestion. yay.

So ya....back to Connor......lets see how stupid he really is. Captain herpes rides again!




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