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Free Pic of the Day

~Dedicated to Jay~

Thursday, Jun. 05, 2003 - 8:03 AM


She may piss me off, but doesn't deserve to get the shaft today like her family is giving her. Leave her a NOTE will ya! This is the first birthday she has had in the UK since the last time she was raped for her birthday. What a lovely gift in 2000 huh?

I thought she would be back by now but it looks like we are gonna have to wait until Wednesday. The CEO of PBR told her today that they would fly her out then, and that I should hear from Christian this weekend. Apparently Christian is hiding in a hotel room in Toronto scared to move because of SARS. Also, our contact details were wrong, and buddy was pissed at Christian for trying to do all this shit on his own.

Jay is pissed! He told her he needed her to find a studio and such here, and so on. She told him she could have had it done by now. She also told him I was pissed, saw it as them screwing us over, and that they have 2 weeks to get things going, or we are gonna walk.

Is it going to happen or not? STAY TUNED!!!!........

But, in honor of Jay....seeing as I just got off the phone with her, and yes brit teens on a fucking bus are more annoying than North American teens...she was on her cell, on a bus.....I have decided to share pix from her first actual birthday party. (cue Jay saying "oh god") These were taken 2 years ago today. Enjoy!

This is before it started. It was a surprise party for her. My mom decorated her place. She and Kristian had a ball doing it. The table even had confetti on it.

Then we sat her down with a mountain of presents. The look on her face said it all.

You can tell she was enjoying her mountain of crap. Satan stuck by her side. We had to keep telling him not to open them for her. He just got so excited he wanted to help.

I had a bunch of friends that she had met and liked, come over to celebrate with us. We had a big dinner, a cake, and all the good shit. Even my dad, and brother came over that day.

Last year she kinda got screwed out of it. I was pretty fucked up, and almost always sicker than a dog. This year was supposed to be different. Oh luck I guess.

Oh! and Jade....thanks for sending her the card. She couldn't believe I didn't put you upto it. It made her day.

Well, as I wander into the sunrise (I would say sunset, but it's too fucking early) I leave you with these pix, and memories.

You're a fucking cunt, but I still love your stupid ass, and I still miss your asshole self. So Cheers!

Oh and babes....remember what I said about the Canada Day fireworks? The Bear thinks that we should do one big firework. They figure 1 nuke will be seen across most of northern Edmonton, so we can save money on just using that for the entire city.

Hmmm....I wonder if we are gonna have riots on Whyte this year?

So ya.


Cuntingly yours,



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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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