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~How it began!~

Thursday, Jun. 05, 2003 - 10:49 AM

I posted my hack job for posting in one fucking guestbook, and now people are fucking posting it in their diaries all over the place saying THEY figured it out. WTF??????

Well, I am just fucking cracking up here. I got notification today that PRPH was gonna get ditched by yahoo. This is the group (club at the time) that I met Jay in. She was posting as "ceige_sabo", and I of course am/was "ivy_tepes". If you ever wanted to see what I was like before the MS, single, and who Jay fell for originally, then go into the group, and have a read. If you happen to be into punk, thats a bonus. We can maybe get the group going again. I'm gonna change the pic and colors today.

So I am reading through all the entries, and I came across THIS. This was the first time Jay posted, and I lunged at her, and ripped her apart for it. Nice huh? Previous to that, if you read them, you will see me posting about a club chat......thats foreshadowing there!

So, after a long silence she posts AGAIN, only this time I respond in a positive way. Then I post my pix in the group for the first time.....and Jay responds to it in a positive way. Then our bud craig posted a pic of an old wrinkly woman saying it was the real me, and I posted a pic of one of the Hanson dicks saying it was him. It was funny though, after the pix were posted of me, Jay and craig started their little fighting over me thing. She got all out pissed over this. She told me she had already decided I was hers????? Good then.

Around this time I attacked Jay in a PM. I demanded to know what time zone she was in. That was our first real contact out of the group/club. Then we had a chat...that failed miserably. After that I had added her to my messenger, but she never added me. It picked my ass. So I started stalking her online. For some reason the frst time we chatted privately, she actually started to open up about everything going on in her life. I was hooked. I started stalking her even more. She would come online, and I would attack her with a shitload of PM's. I was bad.

Jays second identity starts HERE. It's odd looking at it. She was so unsure of herself, that she couldn't be herself at that time. She hid behind other persona's. She also had been classified by a Dr. as having no self confidence at all. She couldn't look people in the eye, talk to anyone, or say who she really was. So, what started as ceige....turned into CJ. When I was told that one, I shrugged. I liked who I was talking to. I didn't give a shit who it was. So some chick says the pic is hot, and I attack her. *sigh* As it begins....The FLIRTING officially starts in the club. The group of us in the club were Craig, Hayden, Jay and I. Jez came in later. Hayden and Craig were best friends in NZ. Jay was in the UK, I'm here in Canada, and Jez is in N.C. in the states of course. Craig and I ran the place. I met him and Jez in a club I had made on The Exploited.

The story just goes and goes from there. You have to read this shit. On Feb.15th/2000 I tricked Jay into asking me out. She made a comment, and I trapped her in it. My mom was sitting beside me laughing her ass off over it. We have been fighting, bitching, and fucking since. Ya our relationship is fucked up beyond all recognition, but we will always be together. We can't escape eachother. It's like relapsing with drugs....we always need "just one more hit" of eachother. do you think she kicked Heroin? You need to replace an addioction with an addiction. Some people use religion. She used me.

I am her Heroin.

You show me someone else who can say that, and mean it. That isn't a description of feeling, it's the truth.

And yes, she will continue to be reminded of this text fiasco for the next 50 years.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

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